Just the Basics June: Week 1 (6/1-6/7)



  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Sat 4th June: Challenge Goal: drop 6kg
    Eat like I love myself, Move like I love myself, Log like I love myself☺.. room for improvement tomorrow.
    3 4
    • Sleep 8 hours x x
    • Take supplements √ x
    • Log food √ √
    • Drink over 2.5L water √ x
    • Walk over 10,000 steps x √
    • Cycle at least 20min √ x
    • Eat over 75 protein √ √
    • Eat over 90 fat √ √
    • Eat under 45 Carbs √ x
    • Eat under Calorie goal √ x
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    @baconslave I love your crazy :)

    CW 122.6lb today and yesterday
    GW 115 lb (target this month is 120)

    SAT June 4

    Logged: yes
    Water: >3L
    Coffee: 2 (Weekend, happy with that)
    Electrolytes: good
    Calorie Goal: under
    Carb Goal: over but improving
    Exercise: nailed it. 3 hr+ cycle, 30 min walk, 90min Nia. Out of house exercise n socialise 9-5pm
    Stress: Nia meditation n body movement. Chilled.
    Sleep: nap yesterday plus solid sleep last night
    No booze!: yes none

    9/10 improved from 6/10 yesterday

    8am 200 cal breakfast then later my coffee but no food until 3pm. 4 hours exercise later I was not hungry but had "fallen off my perch" as my husband describes it. My cycle pace had dropped quite a lot so we had lunch n powered home. Lunch at a pancake house in sand dunes (more common than cafes but choice is carb carb or carb. Cheese n bacon pancake best option if that makes situation clear. Husband helped with pancake)
  • jetsamflotsam
    jetsamflotsam Posts: 170 Member
    So seems I have the logging and staying within macros well under control, but the water, supplements and exercise are just not happening...
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    (((HUGS))) @baconslave I am very sorry about your loss. :(

    (hugs) about homeschooling too. We are doing school board facilitation visits, finished up parent council for the board, coaching two soccer teams, just did two project fairs and my house has fallen apart. The kids are very lucky that they are still alive. They have no idea how close they are to being sold to the chinese coal mines. LOL ;)

    I am joining in.

    CW 162.4
    GW 158 for the end of the month. Ideally back to 150.

    This month I will
    1. eat fewer than 1800 kcal per day
    2. not eat over 30g of carbs per day
    3. skip evening snacks, or keep it below 100kcal.

    Basically, I will eat less, eat less carbs, and eat less frequently. Less is the theme here.
  • jetsamflotsam
    jetsamflotsam Posts: 170 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    (((HUGS))) @baconslave I am very sorry about your loss. :(

    (hugs) about homeschooling too. We are doing school board facilitation visits, finished up parent council for the board, coaching two soccer teams, just did two project fairs and my house has fallen apart. The kids are very lucky that they are still alive. They have no idea how close they are to being sold to the chinese coal mines. LOL ;)

    I am joining in.

    CW 162.4
    GW 158 for the end of the month. Ideally back to 150.

    This month I will
    1. eat fewer than 1800 kcal per day
    2. not eat over 30g of carbs per day
    3. skip evening snacks, or keep it below 100kcal.

    Basically, I will eat less, eat less carbs, and eat less frequently. Less is the theme here.

    Ha! I just double dog dared you to join this challenge and you were joining AS I dared you... I think it's meant to be. :D Now I just need to get MY crap together and do what I know I need to be doing!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    LOL I know! Easier said than done, isn't it! And starting is always the worst part.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I may not have joined in, but I love reading your updates! Even the struggles too! You are all awesome, and so deserving of the tlc you give yourselves everyday!!

    @baconslave, my condolences for the loss of your mother hun! Special hugs being sent your way! Btw: I love your crazy too! :love:
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    Totally achieved my first day back on plan - feeling much better and only a little discomfort and no pain which is fantastic

    Daily Goals
    Take supplements Y
    Log food Y
    under 50g net carbs Y
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Totally achieved my first day back on plan -
    Saw you on here and the over 40 over 75 to lose thread.

    GOOD ON YOU. Such a great feeling to be back on plan.. Yeahhhhhhhhhh
  • MarciGaf
    MarciGaf Posts: 8 Member
    I'ld like to join too please, my first challenge also. I have been on a keto plan and tomorrow is my 4 week weigh and measure and I'm happy with progress so far. It will be great to have this support to keep me on track as have lots to loose;
    SW: 252lb
    CW: 228lb
    GW: 160lb (Have minor goals along the way)

    Daily goal

    Log everyday
    Stay under calorie and carb allowances
    Drink Water
    Step count >5k
    Have fun

  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    MarciGaf wrote: »
    Have fun

    Welcome to the Basics challenge. And thanks for the goal of having fun. Mind if I steal it?
  • MarciGaf
    MarciGaf Posts: 8 Member

    PamamaJane wrote: »
    MarciGaf wrote: »
    Have fun

    Welcome to the Basics challenge. And thanks for the goal of having fun. Mind if I steal it?

    Thank you and please do use "Have Fun", makes it so much easier to stay focused if your having fun.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Sun 5th, June Challenge Goal: drop 6kg
    Eat like I love myself, Move like I love myself, Log like I love myself, Have fun.
    Sleep 8 hours........x.x.√
    Take supplements.√.x.√
    Log food...............√.√.√
    Drink >2.5L water.√.x.√
    Walk 5,000 steps...x.√.√
    Cycle > 20min.......√.x.√
    Eat > 75 protein.....√.√.√
    Eat > 90 fat............√.√.√
    Eat < 45 Carbs.......√.x.x
    Eat < Calorie goal...√.x.√ 9/10 today. :)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    (((HUGS))) @baconslave I am very sorry about your loss. :(

    (hugs) about homeschooling too. We are doing school board facilitation visits, finished up parent council for the board, coaching two soccer teams, just did two project fairs and my house has fallen apart. The kids are very lucky that they are still alive. They have no idea how close they are to being sold to the chinese coal mines. LOL ;)

    I am joining in.

    CW 162.4
    GW 158 for the end of the month. Ideally back to 150.

    This month I will
    1. eat fewer than 1800 kcal per day
    2. not eat over 30g of carbs per day
    3. skip evening snacks, or keep it below 100kcal.

    Basically, I will eat less, eat less carbs, and eat less frequently. Less is the theme here.

    LOL! They really have no clue. Mine are about to though. MWAHAHAHAHAAAA!

    Sat 6/4:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Carb Goal: :+1:
    Exercise: Core Intervals :+1:
    Prelogged Next Day: :+1:

    SW: 159.6
    CW: 160 --Salt and uber-muscle soreness, maybe? BOO!!!! Sigh...
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm going to join in too, pretty basic for this first week because we are out of town - no scale, limited cooking options, yada excuses blah blah... I have no idea what my SW is other than "higher than I want." So for now until we're home, goals are super simple:

    Get enough water
    Meet 6k+ steps
    Log meals to the best of my ability even if it means guessing some things
    Carbs under 75g total
    oh! And take all my meds, because I forget when we're on trips, often, and it can lead to very bad places.

    Met the first 2 yesterday but failed at the last 3...just realizing I didn't get all the meds yesterday. Have to be on top of that today.

    Today 6/5 is off to a good start so far though.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    CW 122.4lb today
    GW 115 lb (target this month is 120)

    Sun June 5

    Logged: yes
    Water: >2L
    Coffee: 2 (Weekend, happy with that)
    Electrolytes: good
    Calorie Goal: under
    Carb Goal: hit it.
    Exercise: recovery day, 30 min walk, 80min Nia dance.
    Stress: Nia meditation n body movement. Chilled.
    Sleep: Adequate hours
    No booze!: yes none

    10/10 improved from 9/10 yesterday

    Feeling I am getting back my sense of self accountability. If I suggest something sweet, My husband is also helping with silly remarks saying but you can't.... those candida are having a party at your gut cantina wanting more sugar and margharittas. Queue mexican hat dance or similar. Next week I guess they will be a different nationality bacteria partying in my gut! We may have been away from home too long as this multinationality bacteria party feels perfectly normal.
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    Sun 5 June

    Logged - Yes
    Meds/Supplements - yes
    under 50g Carbs - yes
    under Cal goal - yes
    Feeling awesome - yes
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    End of week wrap up:

    I seem to be back on track and able to zero in on my program -except for days when I socialize. This is some progress from the more constant lapses of the past few months. I plan to just keep chipping away at the reasons/solutions that i need to self sabotage over social events, til I get past that.

    Did not add physical activities beyond dance nights. But I thought alot about doing it. Gonna keep at that til I break through.

    Still holding off weigh in til June 14.

    Daydreaming of the times when I was sailing through my keto plan and the weight was melting off. I did it before and I can get there again.
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    woops! I'm getting a late start, too.
    I just started on Low Carb and am still trying to figure it all out
    I previously lost about 25 pounds, but gained them back and more over the past 8 months.

    GW: 135

    keep carbs >50 :)
    log daily :)
    pre-plan my meals :/ (not so good at this one)
    keep hydrated :| I'm pretty close most days
    tomorrow I'm making a menu for the week an going shopping
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    yesterday, 6/5:

    Enough water: yes
    Meet 6k+ steps: yes
    Log meals to the best of my ability even if it means guessing some things: yes
    Carbs under 75g total: yes
    oh! And take all my meds: yes

    and we're home because our trip was unexpectedly cut short with a sick kiddo at home, so we came back yesterday instead of staying. So I'll be facing the scale this morning.