HappyPhantom4 Member


  • I forgot, I also will dice up little bit of an apple (more or less depending on how much you want) I add it to a microwavable bowl and add just a bit of water, then sprinkle on 1/4 cup of oats or less, cinnamon, and 1-2 tsp. brown sugar and then microwave it until it's as hot as I want it and it's really good.
  • I freeze red grapes they taste like grape Popsicles to me, or spoon any flavor of yogurt into a ziplock bag and seal off the bag and squeeze it all down to a corner and snip off the tip and using a sheet pan squeeze out little dots of yogurt on it and freeze it over night. Also, navel oranges or mandarin oranges really…
  • What sort of recipes do you use ground turkey in? Anything I've tried has come out not tasting so good and was really bland.
  • Yeah, I would definitely try bison if I knew where to find it.
  • ((I accidentally posted my reply before I meant to. Lol)
  • Thank you so much for the suggestions! I'll definitely have to try those. Do you make anything with ground turkey? I would like to do more with it, but it always tastes so bland to me and I try to add enough seasonings so it w
  • I guess what I see as unhealthy and from the articles/blogs, etc, I've read on the subject, it would be boxed/processed foods, junk food of course, and the meals I make are from scratch, mostly, I mean, I still use things like canned beans, veggies, I like a slice of whole grain toast once in a while with a poached egg on…
  • Sorry, haha, I guess I didn't finish that thought. But I was trying to say I've heard pasta isn't a healthy carb and is really processed and so since I've done away with the majority of the boxed processed foods (except I have whole grain bread once or twice a week and a few whole grain crackers) didn't seem like a good…
  • I thought beef wasn't healthy since it's loaded with so much fat/grease? I don't think I can find Kangaroo at my local Walmart, it would be interesting to try it. I heard Bison is good. Have you tried that before? I don't care for duck so much, but I do really like fish! I have been trying to learn how to cook healthily…
  • That sounds really good! I'm not sure about the sriacha sauce, I didn't care for the taste of it, could I substitute with Franks hot sauce? Thank you for the suggestion! I'm definitely going to try this one.
  • I like brown rice a lot and I'll make up like a rice pilaf or healthy Spanish rice to go with chicken taco salad. I don't usually use that much of the cream soups because I know it's not too healthy unless I make my own. I try to make what I can from scratch. But the Thai curry spicy sesame sauces sound really good! Thanks…
  • That sounds really good! Recently I did try adding salsa, black beans and corn to chicken breasts first I seasoned chicken with like a taco seasoning, salt and pepper I covered it with foil and baked it for half of the cooking time then poured over salsa and the corn and beans and added a little garlic and put it back into…
  • I guess it's just that I'm worried I'm going to fail again to loose weight which makes me determined to learn as much as I can about having a healthy lifestyle and maybe even obsessing over it. So yeah it's going to worry me when I can't figure out the calories because knowing the calories allows me to keep control over my…
  • No, it's not because of religious reasons. I just had someone tell me pork is fatty that I should stay away from it. And because I'm still learning how to make healthier food choices, I listened to them. But I love pork so maybe I'll try a pork tenderloin sometime. Is there any special way you cook it? Oh, thanks so much…
  • Thank you guys for your suggestions/advice! I'm new to this eating healthy lifestyle and exercise and I'm trying to learn as much as I can about it so I can be healthy.
  • Yeah, I've been religious about keeping track of how many calories I'm eating and I'm still loosing weight. I'm not weighing food, (I will be soon as I can buy a scale) but I have been measuring out proper portions of things and looking online or using the barcode on the items to help track my calories.