coopergc Member


  • Quite frankly nobody should be cutting out carbs whether or not the person is diabetic. Carbs are the most immediate source of energy. As the person above said, it's all about expending more calories than you eat. Eat a healthy balance of carbs, fat, and protein.
  • Hi! Didn't have time to read the entire thread but would have to agree that supplements are not enough. Your body gets energy from those foods along with essential vitamins and minerals. Yes, these can be supplemented but know that you may not be absorbing 100% and that even people who eat fruits and vegetables regularly…
  • No, not true. Fat slows gastric emptying so when you combine fat with carbs it slows digestion and therefore may help keep you full and satisfied longer.
  • Hi there! You can definitely add bread back in! As an RD, I usually tell my clients to look for packages with the yellow whole grain stamp. The higher the number in the stamp the better. 100% whole grain/whole wheat the the best but if comparing two that have something less than that, choose the higher one. Also, beware…