ammo7 Member


  • Your mention of using a food scale specifically when you cook is interesting, because it indicates that you might not have thought to be weighing all your food. I'm not kidding. Things like fruit should be weighed (can't log "1 banana" since they can be different sizes, and eyeballing it can be quite off). Packaged foods…
  • I agree with others who have addressed that the goal might not be very realistic, and so I would just like to add: Congratulations on your weight loss so far! I hope that you won't be disappointed if you lose "only" 4lb over the next few weeks, instead of your goal of 10lb. You have made such awesome progress, and you…
  • I usually answer these types of posts with the short-term solution that worked for me when I would eat as a reaction to stress: having lots of low-calorie food available, so that when I would keep reaching for something, it would be easy to fit into my calorie deficit. But for you, it seems like you're specifically looking…
  • The OP said that their thyroid is fine, according to an endocrinologist. The BMR and TDEE calculators are estimates of calories burned based on population averages. Not losing weight at a rate that you are expecting is an indication that you did not have the calorie deficit that you had hoped for. It does not mean that…
  • Your stall has only been 2 weeks, and you have added exercise in that time. This makes it most likely that your muscles are retaining water. Your body will flush that extra water out naturally eventually. Stick to your plan, and have patience :) I would also like to add: if you were experiencing a stall for longer, then it…
  • Good on you for your commitment to going to the gym, and your weight loss! :) Keep in mind that your healthy rate of weight loss (losing 7 lbs over 3 months) is very gradual and so the people around you may not notice any changes for some time. You might find that people who don't see you so often will marvel at your…
  • I can't find it either, it seems like it's even gone from the BBC website. They mention the 'experiment' between friends at
  • It's a great video! Similar to this one, I think.
  • It's interesting to think about another factor, aside from metabolism: some people can literally eat as much as they want because they don't desire to eat very much. To an outsider, it can seem like they have a high caloric intake: you can see that your sister has access to lots of calorie-dense foods and restaurants, and…
  • Snark is not really intended - please note that you are in the "debate" section of the forums where members are not trying to sugar coat their discussions. That is a very interesting point that you make about the special needs adults that you work with. People of different heights, ages and activity levels need different…
  • Hi there. I'm very sorry for the loss of your daughter. Some things to address from your post: 1) It has only been 1 month of food tracking. Weight loss takes time and can easily be masked by water weight - your muscles retain more water when you start a new exercise routine, and hormonal cycles can also cause…
  • I'm glad you have decided to make a change, and it's great that your girlfriend is supportive of you as you make healthy changes :) Since you're still quite young, I believe that the effects of your obesity can be minimized greatly by getting to a healthy weight. I will allow others to chime in with any further info on…
  • OP, I'm glad you will weigh your food tomorrow - it can be interesting to see how we can easily view something as "not much" but actually it contains quite a lot of calories. To get an objective view of what you've been eating, it would be interesting for you to choose your portions before weighing them tomorrow. Usually,…
  • I am sorry if my post contributed to making you feel bad. I'm very happy for you, that you are enjoying making positive changes. I wish you the best of luck with your weight loss journey - I know you will reach your goal because you get that the important thing is to consume less calories than you burn, and that the food…
  • Good for you, that you are enjoying something different. It does have a lot of sugar in it though, roughly equivalent to Coca Cola - even though it might say "no added sugar" on the label, a 450mL serving still has 43g of sugar in it (according to ). It's a good…
  • How long have you been weighing everything you eat? Weight loss takes consistency and patience, you will lose the weight if you stick with it. From looking at your diary, I can see many instances from a week ago where it looks like you have not weighed food at all (e.g. logging "1/2 a pizza" "1/2 tablespoon of peanut…
    in Gained weight Comment by ammo7 June 2016
  • All that is needed for weight loss is to be in a calorie deficit. This means that as long as you eat less calories than your body burns, you will lose weight. You can earn yourself some extra calories by working out, if you like. But you can still absolutely lose weight without working out. It doesn't matter if you are a…
  • I can really relate to what you're going through. In my last semester of grad school I kept stress-eating. I also put on about 20lb, and I really, really wish that I had got it under control before I had let that happen. I managed to overcome it, so here's what worked for me. Band-aid type fixes: I wanted to eat a bunch of…
  • Maybe they mean Fitness Pals? I'm not down with all the lingo the kids are using these days....
  • Here's why it's not possible: To lose 1lb you would need to eat about 3500 calories less than your body burns. So to lose 33lb you would need to eat 3500 times 33 = 115,500 calories less than you burn. To create this large calorie deficit over 3 weeks (21 days), you would need to be eating 5,500 calories less than your…