RonwynAngel Member


  • When I wasn't sleeping well because I slept lighter in case my elderly mother called out to me during the night I ate a lot more carbs. I now mostly get a solid 7 hours and feel much better for it. I am losing weight again. Assess what you are doing and take away things outside your family first, turn your phone off for…
  • I presume I have a gluten sensitivity at this stage. My mother was diagnosed medically as celiac after years of gut problems. We turned to a fully gluten-free diet for the household and suddenly I was no longer jet propelling myself out of a chair or having to open up the house from the smell. I found that if I ate non-GF…
  • I don't have a fitbit or phone app but am trying to go to the gym daily. Part of that is doing 10 kms on the recumbent bike. 10 minutes walking there and back altogether. All the walking you do in a house for the housework etc adds up. When I do the ironing I take the clothes to each bedroom as I do them to add steps. We…
  • People like different shapes but we know most guys will admit to liking larger boobs. Some like big butts. All like someone they can talk to, have a laugh with, likes their food so they will enjoy a dinner out, is open to liking them. Bigger hips don't bruise as much if you get what I mean. Be yourself and call out the…
  • If you are only eating 500 calories a day you are starving yourself. A balanced diet of vegetables, fruit and protein is actually less expensive than processed food. Shop the walls of a supermarket as that is where the unprocessed food is. You only need small amounts. Good food + good health. Drink enough fluid during the…
  • If you are only eating 500 calories a day you are starving yourself. A balanced diet of vegetables, fruit and protein is actually less expensive than processed food. Shop the walls of a supermarket as that is where the unprocessed food is. You only need small amounts. Good food + good health. Drink enough fluid during the…
  • A bad day does not need to lead to a bad week, then a bad month followed by a bad year. Stop straight away and restart or reset then. Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't, you are correct. Ask for and expect support. Keep going.
  • I did the gym on Monday and Tuesday and my calories are just under my daily goal. I still have to improve what I eat but tracking and printing out my daily report will help me see where I need to improve. I am starting at 230 lbs and want to hit 228 or less by next Monday.
  • I might just take you up on that challenge too. 1 kg per week at least, gym 5 times a week and MFP daily to reach that first goal. For a creative outlet I am going to do Camp Nanowrimo. I want to write a non- fiction book on health problems your GP may not know much about like IIH, PCOS, thyroid problems, Lupus. This is a…
  • My brother paid $19,000 for me to have a laparoscopic gastric sleeve and over the last six months I have nibbled my way through the day to an extent that I gained 7 kilos back. No more! I am back at the gym most mornings now for an hour, I have started taking garcinia tablets again as they help me control the Nibbles…
  • I am still wearing a G-Cup but I have gone down from a 24G to a 18G on there is not so much tissue in there but they still remain large. You tend to lose the excess weight on your neck and just below it. Your bones become visible again. The bras of today are awesome in how good they make you look. Healthy is always better…
  • I am 60 and have lost about 40 kgs-88 lb- and yes I do have loose skin but not as bad as it could be. My underarm flaps are 1/2 the size they were, the thighs aren't great but my calves are showing good definition, the stomach flap is slowly lessening. In NZ we are luck enough that if you lose a large amount, are…
  • See a professional trainer first. Get a program of weight and cardio training and you will feel better all round. It you eat more fruit and vegetable and less cereal based meals it will help also. Wheat based products tend to head straight for the hips especially the newer wheat. I follow a Gluten free diet and am feeling…