Countryroads1 Member


  • If you really love peanut butter a lot.... make a spoonful a reward for exercising, walking, raking leaves, mowing grass, whatever.... not a whole sandwich, but just savor a small spoonful,,, treat it like ice cream maybe. Hey, if it motivates you to burn more calories earlier in the day, it might work for you. Check the…
  • Start walking with a family member or friend and keep walking on a set day and time. Put it on your calendar, tell people that you are walking then, and make yourself do it. Once you get into the routine, you will feel so much better, and the buddy system really works. Also, make it a game with yourself to see how many…
  • Try using Walden Farms dressings.... a bit pricey, but 0 carbs. and 0 calories... the ranch and bacon flavors are pretty good. They also have CHOCOLATE SAUCE and BBQ sauce! Now the mayo.... keep looking, theirs didn't impress my spouse at all. Good luck. Hope this helps.