mizzylamiz Member


  • Overall aim: lose 3st6 to get to 8st8 Hit the 10000 steps 4/7 days a week Hit 30mins of exercise (even if only walking) a day Eat on average less than 1400 calories a day Takeaway once a week maximum Big aim: Do a colour run Run minimum twice a week Do parkrun at least twice a month (once 40 mins of run/walk is possible)…
  • Have you tried looking for different fish recipes? They canbe boiled or baked or grilled, giving them different tastes and textured Muscles are rather meaty tasting if you are missing out on meat If you can eat cheese, there are so so many varieties to choose from also. Something I love for the taste and texture is…
  • Mindful eating to me is spending extra time eating, and taking the time to really experience the food. This morning I had eaten two Lindt balls before I realised I'd even looked at the box. I'm hoping that mindful eating will help me stop doing this and give me more I pulse control ;)
  • Food processor Sometimes I am in the mindset where chopping veggies is too much of a hassle, so I whip out the food processor to chop them up really small for me <3 works for carrots onions mushrooms so a bolognese takes a quarter of the time to prepare!