

  • What he wrote out to you makes no sense. Listen to vismal [/quote] Thanks MrM27, I would like to get a def answer to eat or not to eat your burn cals. I.I.F.Y.M. said no others said Yes, just needs a good clarification on it.
  • Thank You for your reply, and Yes I.F. does work I am a living proof that it works. I would like to read that tread if you get a chance or guide me how to find it would be SUPPER :smiley: . Right now I'm doing "Well trying" I.I.F.Y.M. mixed with I.F. Well I'm open for some good book reading or studies if anyone can…
  • Also I was wondering if I should stop I.F for a week but honestly it just feels weird not fasting 16/8 been doing it since July 2014 everyday. Any suggestions?
  • I'm in the same boat, I was 190 now I'm 165 I do I.F. and mix every once in a while a 24 hr fast. I didn't realize that I'm closer to my target goal that's why it seems my weight won't go down. Please add me It would be great to chat with people who fast like me. Also I used to log in my exercise but I use to eat the…
  • I know a few body builders and they keep telling me and friends that since they are so big they really don't run at all. All they do is walk for an hour or walk up hill on the tread mill for an hour or more depends on how they feel. After running 12 miles I couldn't run my usual 5K daily so I do Punching Bag drills, shadow…
  • I really would like to have friends like Facebook, a little more personal than just adding random people or profiles with no pictures. Some background to get really know everyone since we are looking to be healthy in a long or short term. I hope it's not asking a lot but this time I want to be able to get support and give…
    in Hello Comment by YoEdward November 2014
  • Add me I been here a while but no friends, hit me up people :smile: username YoEdward