

  • I'm new too! Really motivated to eat clean - first stop for me is to eat clean meals more frequently than non-clean and aim to increase it as I learn more. Starting off with a clean breakfast every day, then breakfast and lunch... you get the picture! This way I feel like I'm really cementing the knowledge and doing my…
  • Great post! The metrics part for me is key. Most people starting out have no idea how big their portion sizes really are in terms of calories and weighing portions out (of carbs in particular!) can be a huge shock - it certainly was to me! Usually once you've been doing it for a couple of months and forming good habits you…
  • I'm 5'10" and weigh 162lb. This is the heaviest I have been in a couple of years and I don't like it - so starting out on MFP today! I have been as light as 142lb before but found that difficult to maintain, I would say 147lb is my happy weight. My weight gain is definitely down to stress/ emotional eating and a loss of…