bonniemasson Member


  • Hi! I'm 31 year old musician and writer. I've got about 50lbs to lose and I'm just starting my journey. Using a Fitbit to track my steps and concentrating on eating well for a lifestyle change rather than a quick weightloss goal. Would love to "befriend" anyone who is on a similar path.
  • I've been lead to believe that a cup of Green Tea between half and hour to an hour after a meal can increase the speed of the breakdown of food in your stomach. Not sure if it actually increases metabolism (maybe because of the caffeine) or if it just helps the physical breakdown in the stomach. May need further research…
  • Thank you all so much. I think I'm going to keep my calorie intake around the 1600 mark and see how that goes. Right, now to get my shopping list together and get some good, wholesome food in the house!
  • I understand the logic of eating far fewer calories to make a bigger/quicker weightloss. I guess i should've specified that as I have lost and regained weight bit by bit (never getting down to my goal weight) over the past 10 years, I would actually like to lose weight in a safe and sustainable way, so that it won't all…
  • Thanks! I'll check that website out. Funnily enough I have never cut anything out dramatically or worried about being on a "diet". I've just attempted to keep an eye on what I'm eating and generally, how I'm feeling. However, I have found that when I think I have had a really good week or two, the scales haven't shifted at…
  • Ah thank you peeps! So restricting myself to 1200 may be a bit too low. I thought so. I imagine that I would feel pretty weak if I was exercising as well. Right I'll put my intake allowance to 1600 and see how that goes. Thank you for your help. I know that the question sounds really vague, but having exercised and…