

  • My wife gets the "runner's high." I don't. It doesn't matter what I do, or for how long, or how fit I am... a lengthy cardio event is, well, pretty unpleasant for the entire time. It sounds like it must be nice! Wish I could get there.
  • I can relate to this. When I started seriously counting calories I also started to develop an eating disorder. I'd practically count grains of rice. If I couldn't figure out the calories for a dish, I might choose to not eat at all. It also took me a long time to recognize that this actually was an eating disorder. Eating…
  • My wife has a Flex. She has only used it for about a month but it is working OK. It was $100 at Costco. I have decided to try the next one from Jawbone, the Up 3. It uses a different kind of sensor, and it is also smaller than the Up 24 and completely waterproof. It won't be out for a month or two though. I have read that…
  • Thanks, everyone. I'll stick with my routine for now but if I hit a rough patch I might try introducing breakfast as some have suggested. Under this routine, I actually find there are many nights when I come in well under my calorie goal. If I have 1000-1200 calories left in the evening, I may well get full well before…
  • I was very interested in the Microsoft band because it had so many sensors, especially the HR monitor which apparently can replace a chest band. Three things kept me away from it. It's not shower-proof, it has a very short battery life, and reviews unanimously criticized its comfort. Hopefully the manufacturers who have…
  • Thanks, everyone! I'll just keep counting and not worry about the timing.