Cool. There's nothing much here in Wexford though.I'd love to go somewhere new ,see everything ha ,if only.
Didn't know Google had protein
Thank you :)
Really ha were are you from ? I love the ruins here in Ireland I think there just beautiful especially in co.Meath and Galway . :)
That will do ha :)
No? ..... :|
Yeah I went for a run and it was grand until I got back to the street were I live and one of the neighbours stopped and watched me running the whole way until I got to my house ....I didn't appreciate that now. I checked and there is no local running groups so I may ask a friend to go with me, I do prefer to run by myself…
Thank you :)
Thank you but that's an old picture I gained about 2 St last year when I was pregnant with my daughter
Thank you :)
Thanks you guys
Thanks I liked that :p me myself I wouldn't look twice if someone was out running its just where I'm from people are very judgemental without meaning it. Is it better to stretch before or after running ?
I know no one cares I ment any tips to over come being paranoid about it
That wasn't very helpful