Bogglebo Member


  • You are gorgeous, both before and after, but your body/soul look far happier with this tremendous achievement. You don't need any of us to tell you how well you've done, but you certainly have. Congratulations & keep up the great work :)
  • PS I got my mother on MFP because she was yo-yo-ing around the same weight and wanted to lose a few more kilos, I already suspected she wasn't eating enough & sure enough I was making her eat more, her weight loss has become regular and is actually happening, much to her surprise and delight.
  • Yes, totally agree with you, at 53, menopausal & a tobacco quitter, I have tried practically everything out there and have now realised that the problem with the need to eat all the expensive calories is caused by us starving ourselves between meals, by "topping up" our fuel at regular intervals with sensible calories, the…
  • I have managed to cut my wine down significantly by making sure I work off the calories on the treadmill. Like you I don't really like too much exercise but find the treadmill watching the Ipad or listening to music (watching TV etc) certainly eases the pain :) I'm not so quick to pour the wine in when I'm committed to…
  • There's a BBC documentary (Mike Mosley) from 2012 called "Why are Thin People Not Fat" - was one of the most interesting ones I've seen regarding diet - and he had them all on 10,000 calories a day ;) The other one he did was on the 5:2 diet. Thought you may identify with the people in the trial
  • I planned my quit when I gave up smoking. I started exercising daily, I changed my diet to everything healthy and cut down the portions (used MFP to track) - if CICO was the reason, I should never have put on 20 kgs - but I did. Even the doctor could only offer suggestions i.e. lower dopamine level due to quitting smoking,…
  • I think my biggest issue is, since quitting smoking 3.5 years ago and menopause...I'm never full, except on the rare occasion when I have takeaways from the fish and chip shop. Must be psychological because I don't feel feel full when we have homemade fish and chips - although we have an air fryer so the greasy stuff may…
  • Joined MFP over 3 years ago when I quit smoking, became very frustrated & gave up after a few months due to the frustration of exercising daily, watching the calories religiously but losing absolutely nothing. 44 lb increase later, turns out menopause & quitting a lifelong habit at the same time don't combine well and…
  • I'm slightly confused here, you weigh 135 + 9 lbs & want to lose another 89? Wouldn't that put you into the grossly underweight category? Are you pregnant? Hope you can find a solution, the body seems to have a mind of its own :smiley: