

  • thank you all for the interesting insights... i checked my food diary and so far i am only consuming excess 5 - 45 grams of protein. i really love drinking soymilk and yes it is way better than drinking soda, but now that ive read a couple of articles you guys posted, maybe i should cut back on drinking it. maybe 2-3…
  • you have to eat your exercise calories and i actually just found out yesterday by reading this: its very helpful and you will understand why you need to eat your exercise calories. i was doing the same thing before too, i dont eat my exercise…
  • same here, i gained a pound... but i lost half an inch in my waistline and thats probably because of the muscle weight... dont worry too much about the scale coz muscle is heavier than fat and it burns alot of calories compared to that stubborn extra fat, so just relax... lol
  • congratulations on joining! tis is a really fun site, i use this everyday, lost a few pounds and gained a few friends... add me up =)
  • Same here... i was fine from breakfast to lunch and then came dinner, i lost control! =(
  • Same here, lost 15 lbs and gained it all back! Now im determined to lose weight and keep it off for good! Anyone interested for weight loss buddies add me up! thanks!!
  • hey everyone, add me up! im 25, college student. need to lose 30 lbs! i need to get serious with this too... lol