n2gardens56 Member


  • Checking back in, hope everyone is staying on track. I buckled down while I had some time off work, and have been logging daily and have eliminated crap from my diet successfully for 5 days including all sugar and flour and grain to try and stop some of my addiction to food. It is working great, and have felt better and…
  • Good morning everyone. I have been checking posts for the last couple of weeks but haven't added anything because not much going on. I have had 2 days off work, going back tomorrow, and have been able to wean myself off sugar/flour and junk for 5 days. I feel fantastic, so I am praying that I can keep this up. I wake up…
  • @Kayla_Caroline, thank you for starting this thread. I am starting over too, have one day down and today is day 2. I am great with the exercise, but fall short with over eating at night. Blame it on the stress of the work day but no more excuses. I will be checking in daily. I must make myself accountable. Everyone have a…
  • Not much happening here in SW VA, the weekend was great with lower temps and low humidity. A great change from all the rain. Love reading about everyone's gardening. My flowers and plants have done great from the rain, except the row of peonies sort of got ruined by all the rain, the blooms were beautiful while they…
  • Got up early to enjoy the sunrise, which is a blessing. Outside Yoga complete with sounds of chirping birds, off to a short run on a secluded country road. Going to be a great day
  • Checking in, miss you friends! It has rained here for 5 + days but clear today. I spent a couple of days with the blues, but happy today, did my yoga, meditation and weight workout. Need to do more of that when I am blue, but find sometimes it is almost impossible.... Hope to do some hiking later. Getting hot today, up in…
  • Love reading everyone's posts, keeps me going! I have been staying active with yoga, walking to work on the 2 days I have to be in the office and hiking. There is a trail nearby that no one ever uses that I hike on. It has a mile that meanders by a stream then goes up a mountain, great workout and yet serene. Will need to…
  • Checking in, Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday. I have been able to go hiking two days in a row, weather was windy & cool one day, but today is great! Lots of walking, yoga and weights/exercise. Eating has been up and down, but feeling okay about it all. Working at the office only 2 days a week has been nice & a…
  • Hello everyone and happy Saturday! Went for a hike today and yesterday on my local trail, which has been clear of other people, not many know about it...which I love. Took a photo to share. Also getting in yoga everyday. Love everyone's posts, keep showing up, it really cheers us up. @j29t my boss says we are exempt…
  • @barbiecat, @lindagalbreath577 , @j29t , @alteredsteve175 thank you all for the encouragement, it lifted my spirits! I am working at the office again today, we have a Board meeting tonight, county supervisors, they are limiting it to 10 people, but our County Administrator has interpreted the Gov order to read all personal…
  • Checking in and catching up with everyone. Working at home today, but was a little down & sad, cloudy day, now it has started raining and I "was" going to go for lunch hike (oh well). Just completed two yoga workouts online, one for Depression and another for Calming. Really helped, feel much better and grateful. Our Gov.…
  • Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone. Welcome to all new comers, this group is a great support for me, hope you keep checking in. I am working today, but had to check in with my "people"! So good to hear everyone is doing okay during this trying time. I live in a very small town, our whole County only has about 5000…
  • Checking in, glad to hear everyone is staying healthy & active. I did great all week, kept within my mfp limits and walked to work everyday. Managed to do my weight workouts and kept momentum even with the time change, which was good for me. Tomorrow is weigh-in day, but does not matter what the scale says, I have felt the…
  • Good Morning everyone. Checking in after several days. I continued my walking-to-work plan all week, stayed on track with my logged food (not eating my exercise calories) and just did my weekly weigh-in and had a 2-1/2 lb loss, I am SO happy! This just shows if I stick to it, I can lose the weight. I love pre-logging my…
  • Love coming home in the evenings and checking in to see how everyone is doing! I walked to work again today, in the rain, which was fun, it had stopped for the walk home and got up to 60 for the day. Got 5 miles walking total today with extra walks. I was so tired when I got home I wanted to crash on the couch but had…
  • So exciting to read the new posts where there is a weight loss, congratulations to you! Also love reading about trips and gardening, thank you for sharing too. I am checking in to report I made it through a work day and here this evening with no binges. I really think that pre-logging my food for the day is the key to my…
  • Happy March everyone, and welcome to all new-comers! Another logged mfp day yesterday a little under my calorie goal. Today has been great, yes, sunshine in SW Virginia is wonderful, did a 2+ mile hike up a mountain and saw my first blooming toad lilies. Made me SMILE. Also got a yoga workout in and my weight workout. Sure…
  • Checking in with everyone, we woke up to snow flurries, and dusting on the ground, windy. When I got out to go to Yoga class it was in the 20's, warmed up to 40 (still windy) went for a couple mile walk with my dog after class. Today was my weigh-in day and I actually went down a pound and half...even after my doughnut…
  • Oh, just saw the posts about location: I am in South West VA, mountains, small town. I think I saw where someone said their sister lives in Roanoke, I am about 30 min drive from there. My photo is at McAfee Knob on the AT, that is one of my favorite hiking spots. Today it is about 30 here with wind chill making it more…
  • Welcome to all newcomers!! I have read so many recent comments that hit home with me and thank each of you. I am still struggling to keep 5-7 consecutive days together and keep it near my 1200 cal goal. I get home from work (we work 10 hr days) and the stress levels are so high, I skip common sense and go for treats, of…
  • Hello everyone, I too enjoyed reading the recent posts and glad to know I am not the only one seeing the scale go up and down, AnnPT77 your information puts it into perspective, because although I have read that all before I tend to freak-out and think this is never going to work. I am seeing a slow drop, but trying not to…
  • It is difficult to eat enough protein. I usually fall short, so I've been thinking about trying a pea protein supplement. I can't use whey because it bothers my stomach. Have you ever tried a plant based protein powder?[/quote] Fishwishing and RCPV I have had the same problem and investigated some Pea Protein powders,…
  • Good morning! Have the day off and trying to decide what I will be doing today. Yesterday it got up to about 55 so I went for a great hike, started out with no energy, so told my son I may only do a mile, but as it got warmer I got more energy and ended up hiking 4 miles. Felt wonderful, the sunshine was great. Also got in…
  • Good morning to all members, just read all new posts and got some morning inspiration. Yesterday was a good MFP day for me, stayed within the 1200 cal. I am like in j29t in that planning really helps me as well, if I know what I am eating for the day, it keeps me on track. I was able to do 2 youtube yoga workouts and even…
  • Just found this group and I am in. 64 yrs old, been on this site for years, but keep losing and then gaining it back after life throws hurdles. I have been back logging since first of year, down a few pounds but need the encouragement of a group my age! Been reading all your past posts. Inspiring! Thanks. I am active,…
  • 64 yr old, 5'7' SW 164.7 GW 145 Day/Weight/Comments 02/08 164.7 (3 mile walk & yoga class) 02/09 162.4 Worked out yesterday, plus yesterday's weight was a lot of water from eating ham day before. Looking forward to keeping the scale going downward. ( Did eat candy last night, ugh, but my goal is to do better today) Hike…
  • 64 yr old, 5'7' SW 164.7 GW 145 Day/Weight/Comments 02/08 164.7 (3 mile walk & yoga class) 02/09 162.4 Worked out yesterday, plus yesterday's weight was a lot of water from eating ham day before. Looking forward to keeping the scale going downward. ( Did eat candy last night, ugh, but my goal is to do better today) Hike…
  • 64 yr old, 5'7' SW 164.7 GW 145 Day/Weight/Comments 02/08 164.7 (3 mile walk & yoga class) 02/09 162.4 Worked out yesterday, plus yesterday's weight was a lot of water from eating ham day before. Looking forward to keeping the scale going downward. ( Did eat candy last night, ugh, but my goal is to do better today) 02/10…
  • I am New, would like to join this challenge. I am struggling and need the help. 64 yr old, 5'7' SW 164.7 GW 145 Day/Weight 02/08 164.7 02/09 02/10 02/11 02/12 02/13 02/14 02/15 02/16
  • Oh, and congratulations to all those that lost weight, I was just reading through the posts and lots of people did great!!!