DezIsGettingHealthy Member


  • That's also a great idea! Finding things to keep myself distracted. I love doing crafty things (like cross stitching and making cloth wreaths). Thank you for the reassurance! I'm going to be taking a look back at this thread every single time I feel myself wavering. All of the advice and support given here today has been…
  • That's a great idea. :) Kind of like turning the tables on myself with those excuses. I like that!
  • Thank you so much! :D
  • Yeah, I completely agree with that. It's so easy to make this harder than it really has to be. I overthink things so bad, and it throws me off. It shouldn't have to be difficult, right? One of my main objectives was to get my eating habits under control before I start to exercise, because I know that if I can't get the…
  • Thank you! I'm definitely trying to take every piece of advice in and taking it to heart. :) I'm very appreciative of everyone taking some time out to share their insight with me. I'm feeling very empowered today! That's a great way to think of things - not as a failure, but as an unplanned detour. Minor setback, even. I…
  • Are you setting your goals too high (not everyone can lose 2 lbs/week)? I don't think I am. But on the other hand, I'm sure that everyone has different interpretations of what may or may not be too much. What I've been trying to do is just set 5-pound goals. I don't give myself any set amount of time to lose it. Once I…
  • Thank you. :) That's great advice! I'm definitely going to adopt the "just do it" attitude and turn it into a daily mantra.
  • I think that reassurance is huge for me. I have days where I don't feel strong at all. I question myself a lot. Which is odd, because hey...I can give birth to children and get tattoos and deal with cuts and scrapes and bruises. I can handle all of those. So it's a wonder why I seemingly can't deal with trying to lose…
  • Thank you. :) That's great insight! That's one of the many things I'm guilty of - focusing on the failures. I'm a bit of a perfectionist. If I fail, I take it harder than I should, and I get really discouraged. I can't be thinking that way, but it's a tough habit to break, for sure. Yes. Baby steps. I have to keep that in…
  • That's fantastic advice! Thank you! That's a huge vice of mine - making excuses. I feel like I'm the queen of them, I do it so often. I need to learn how not to do that.
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! That's absolutely fantastic! I hear you. I'm a chronic yo-yo dieter. It's rough. I can't wait until I'm in a better place in my journey. I'm getting more and more excited to get myself there!
  • And thank you all for the insight! I've decided to try again today, and just take it a day at a time. So far, I'm doing good. I just want to make sure I keep it going.
  • You're absolutely right! I woke up this morning thinking that I needed to just slow down and take my time. I need to just focus on getting myself to the end of the day, then start over again tomorrow, and do it again, and go from there. Thank you! :)
  • I think that all the time. I keep looking back at all of the time I wasted, and I'm like, "Man, if I had just kept up with it, I would be much farther along". It can get really discouraging. It's very true, though. "I might as well do it". That's great thinking.
  • That's a great way to motivate yourself! :)
  • I do agree - he makes an excellent point. I've considered talking to a counselor about it. Still am, actually. I just want to see if I can do it on my own without interventions. I might just need it, though. I think that I'm probably overthinking this entire process. I focus on the results rather than the process, and it…
  • I think that's very insightful. I've had a friend tell me, "Just do it". I kept thinking about it. "I wish it were that easy". And then I tacked on about 50 excuses as to why I couldn't. Gah, no excuses, right?
  • That's definitely a huge part of it. I'm anticipating the discomfort, and it's putting me off. It feels so much easier for me to just give in and give myself that "comfort" than to just dig my heels in and do it. Thank you for your response. I'm truly taking that to heart!