Filled out my March Madness bracket. Hoping my color/mascot plan works this year.
When Harry Met Bacon
Agreed. If a guy wants to be with you, he will let you know.
I've said this in another post, but I'll say it here, too. My husband started his fitness journey over 4 years ago. I just started mine (seriously) in the middle of December. Seeing him looking really amazing, exuding confidence, and being overall really happy eventually motivated me to get up off my butt. Just be patient…
Their* fitness level has nothing to do with it, but if anyone is beside me on the tread mill, I always run longer and faster. I don't know why, but it really motivates me to push myself.
Lol there's no Alabama University :)
War Eagle
Not looking forward to dinner with the in-laws
My husband has been lifting for the past 4 years. I got motivated to start going with him when I noticed the amazing difference with his body and overall happiness. Now we lift at least 5-6 times a week as we work toward our common fitness goals, which is pretty awesome.
Thanks for all of your input! I did go to the principal, so he is aware of the situation. At the beginning of the year I send out a classroom rules and regulations form, which has to be signed by the parents & students for a quiz grade. Honestly, though, parents and students never read them, but it's good to have in case…
This post made me lol :)
Sir Mix-a-lot
Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see. College kids...smh
After days like today, I question my decision to be a high school teacher.
If you have to delete it, it is cheating, imo.
Thanks, y'all! :)
•Close talkers •Bad breath •Adults who don't know the difference between your and you're and lose and loose
I am looking for friends! :)