Veriloquent63 Member


  • I'm a 63 year old man. I started MFP last July and have lost 73 pounds. I'm 6' 4" and weighed 283. I just weighed in this morning at 210. It's been a 3 pronged approach of good nutrition, portion control, and exercise. I've made it a goal to not eat less than 1200 calories staying consistently in the 1300 to 1500 range. If…
  • Well done!! You are an inspiration to others. Thank you for sharing.
  • I'm a 63 year old guy. I've lost 65 pounds since July. Here's what has worked for me.* Measure portions and count everything. I think a lot of people eat more calories than they realize. * Don't eat too little. I eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day but never less. I've stayed consistently in the 1300 to 1500 calorie…