pommid Member


  • @Italiana_xx79 i felt pretty great doing keto and strength training hand in hand - it is a good practice in being methodical with counting macros as well as your sets and PRs and whatnot. I aim for no carbs, but that's tough, the highest I'll go for is 30 grams. I mostly researched strength training and keto on reddit,…
  • I started out with SL5x5 which I enjoyed, but it didn't target all the muscles I really wanted to get gainz on, so I dug around some more and am now doing StrongCurves.
  • Hello, I'm Belen from the pacific northwest up in the states. I usually go for walks while calorie counting in my day, and previously when I was doing weightlifting programs I tried C25K in my off days, but the app was so ugly to use I kind of just ignored it and did 30 minute walk/jogs on my own. I'd like to just push…
  • Are you doing intermittent fasting? I enjoy the mental benefits, like not really caring about food whatsoever. It becomes more technical, less emotional. I'm not doing it right now though. I support wise fasting for sure. Good luck!
  • Ay. Anyone can add me too.
  • Feel free to add me too! 23, goals being losing fat and building muscle mass