BarbelGirl79 Member


  • I was successful with WW about 10 years ago and lost 60 Pounds. When I stopped WW, I gained it all back as I did not learn how to successfully maintain without it. Since then I tried to restart with WW multiple times, but did not get along with the new program. MFP seems to be more sustainable (and cheaper) in the long run.
  • During my first weight loss of 60lbs: -That the best presents you could get for your birthday are shopping vouchers of your favorite store, as you are going through shrinking pants sizes like no other - That your mom might start trying to offer and feed a delicious food you every time you visit, as she is concerned you are…
  • I lost successfully 60 pounds on WW 10 years ago, but gained back once I stopped, as I did not really learn the science behind what I was actually eating. I started again this year with their new program and I just could not wrap my head around their new system on how they calculated the points value. Last time, I could go…
  • Thanks for all your kind words! I will give it another try once my back is healed. I am stuck with a one year contract anyway, so might as well use it till the end :)
  • Yes, there are a few. I did my research at the beginning and thought this one was the best for me and it was conveniently right next to my work location. And, don't get me wrong, the coach offered a scaled down version, but it was just not scaled down enough for me and I got the rolling eye treatment when I asked for an…
  • I started CF in March and thought I would like it and felt like a bad *kitten* the first few times :) But the more I went the less I liked it. It seemed I was the only super unfit person in my class. Huffing and puffing already after the warm up, but I was not giving up. I also have super tight hamstrings and hip flexors…
  • My chiropracter recommended lots of stretching. Child's pose, cat & cow pose etc... I also started going to yoga classes recently and it seems to help my lower back pain.
  • Vancouver, BC here...
  • Hello from Vancouver, BC!
  • I'm on my 2nd week of 21Day Fix Extreme and lost 7 pounds so far. I'm waiting for end of week 3 to do the final measurements. I was very strict with my diet in my first week, but started to losen it up abit for week 2. You get a feeling of what would fit in each container, so I find myself hardly using them. It really…