nickdelcastillo Member


  • Thanks for the chart, that's very helpful. One question, though, about setting up macro goals in MFP. For the "adapt" section, it has an expenditure of 2800 calories per day, and an intake of 1400 calories per day, so that's where the 50% body fat part of the pie chart is coming from, correct? In other words, the goal is…
  • Yes, I think I saw something about adjusting the fat and protein macros if you are trying to lose weight with the keto diet (a little less fat and a little more protein). What you said about getting some of your calories from your fat stores makes sense, but how do you calculate that? Is there a reference to go by? I guess…
  • I'm considering starting the keto diet - partially for weight loss, and partially because I suffer from epilepsy - and one thing I haven't seen addressed in any of the research I've done is calorie intake. In the past I have always used MyFitnessPal to count calories. This has worked well for me as I went from a high of…