

  • Sounds fun! I'm 5'6" Highest Weight- 130 Lowest Weight- REALLY unhealthy! :( Current Weight- Somewhere around 122 (I try not to weigh myself obsessively) GOAL- 115
  • When I was in a position where I had a lot of weight to gain, what really helped me were nutritional supplements, such as Boost Plus or Ensure plus. Add one at snacks, and even meals if needed. Or, if you get too full, drink them between meals and snacks. It adds a lot of nutrition in just 8 oz! I found it very helpful.…
  • I honestly don't appreciate some of the rude responses. I obviously understand it's not healthy or I wouldn't be reaching out for help. I have struggled with SEVERE anorexia in the past so even how I am now is a HUGE improvement on what I used to be like. It sounds like you already know 500 cals a day is a terrible…
  • I am taking another form of birth control... there are other options besides the implant or pregnancy ya know...?
  • Also forgot to mention I do 60 minutes of moderate intensity cardio 6 out of 7 days of the week!
  • Yes, all my bloodwork and everything is normal. I was told it could be due to the shifting hormones, that I was retaining water and such. Like I said, I had a lot of other crazy side effects with it so I think maybe my body just did not respond well to that form of birth control. I'm happy to have it out. Now I'm just…
  • I read an interesting statistic that most of us are chronically dehydrated without even realizing it. And that can cause feelings of hunger. So I would say after you've eaten your food for the day, if you are still hungry, try having a cup or two of water before snacking on anything else. If that doesn't curb your hungry,…
  • That is why I was so frustrated, because I do measure all of my food and count my calories and exercise and still had some weight gain on the birth control!
  • I used to drink a lot of those sorts of things, like Crystal Light and put artificial sweeteners in my coffee. Then I was told by my doctor that it could be the cause behind some of the digestive issues I was having. I was consuming large quantities of it, which was causing severe bloating for me. Once I cut them out of my…
  • Find something you really enjoy doing, and it won't feel so much like work! Even just walking really briskly around the mall is better for you than doing nothing. I, like you, like watching TV and series on Netflix, so I got a stationary bike that I keep in front of a TV in my apartment and ride for an hour each evening…