Birth Control and Weight Loss

Alright ladies, I need some help!
I had the nexplanon implant for about a year, with all sorts of awful side effects, one of which was gaining some weight, even with dieting and exercise! I had it removed, and started a low estrogen pill. I was wondering if any of y'all have any experience with weight gain on the implant and tips for how to lose it once having it removed? Does it get any easier? I'm so frsutrated!


  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Calorie deficit
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Imagine the side effect of not having the implement. Weight gain from having something crawling around inside you for nine months, and then treating you like a walking buffet.
  • Ginger046
    Ginger046 Posts: 204 Member
    Ive commented on a similar thread elsewhere on the implant... Have a wee search and threads will come up :)
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    The nexplanon implant was actually one of the ones I chose not to get. I have the merina because it's not systemic, they did talk to me about the nexplanon implant and I decided against it because it would conflict with other medication I was on.

    But despite what birth control you are on you can still lose and gain weight. You have to be more conscious of what you are eating and of how much. This means weighing your solids and measuring out your liquids. I have heard of many people being successful of losing weight on different types of birth control as well as others gaining and wanting to say it was because of the birth control. Weight loss is a calorie deficit, calories in need to be less than what your body burns.
  • Autumn_babe
    That is why I was so frustrated, because I do measure all of my food and count my calories and exercise and still had some weight gain on the birth control!
  • cariadav
    cariadav Posts: 1 Member
    edited November 2014
    I had that and I found it really hard - as brief as the first reply was, that is the way. I found that after a few months I had a bit more energy (there was a pretty long adjustment period but the difference was noticeable for me!) To be honest I found that doing the same thing and adding more walking made a difference, even though the walking I added was low amounts. Possibly being happier meant I didn't feel the need to snack as much... I hope it's the same for you, really frustrating to feel like you're doing things right and nothing happens. Being accurate in your logging, and holding yourself accountable, helps too. Good luck :-)
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    edited November 2014
    That is why I was so frustrated, because I do measure all of my food and count my calories and exercise and still had some weight gain on the birth control!

    Have you gotten bloodwork done? Just to rule out any underlying issues.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I have the same implant. Mine is about to expire. I've never had any problems with any methods I've used. My weight gains and losses have always had to do with controlling my diet. When you say some weight gain, how much? It's been so long since I initially had it implanted I can't even remember the list of side effects.
  • Autumn_babe
    Yes, all my bloodwork and everything is normal. I was told it could be due to the shifting hormones, that I was retaining water and such. Like I said, I had a lot of other crazy side effects with it so I think maybe my body just did not respond well to that form of birth control. I'm happy to have it out. Now I'm just waiting for my new birth control to help regulate everything and get back to normal!
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Good luck with whatever option you choose. I had done the Norplant years ago with no side effects but I know it is a little daunting to commit to a long term option. I hope everything goes back to normal for you.
  • MarissaPalm
    MarissaPalm Posts: 123 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Imagine the side effect of not having the implement. Weight gain from having something crawling around inside you for nine months, and then treating you like a walking buffet.

    LOL. This is very true.
  • Autumn_babe
    I am taking another form of birth control... there are other options besides the implant or pregnancy ya know...?
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    I chose not to get the implant due to the horror stories and have also gotten on a low estrogen pill. I like it much better, but the weight gain has been crazy!

    The advice I have echoes the others: deficit. That's all you can do. It takes some people a little time to bounce back after the "damage," but remain consistent!
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    edited December 2014
    I was taking a BC pill that aided in my large weight gain. It made me crazy and I had some terrible mood swings (My hormones go wack as is, this just made it worse) so I got off of it and started taking Nora-B, which is a "mini pill" and does not cause weight gain and is low hormone. I began bike riding and eating right and lost all the weight I gained and then some. Mini pills are hard core because there isn't as much room for error when taking them so be careful but they will def. make it easier to lose weight.
  • I got the nexplanon feb 2013 and I actually just got it OUT today. I had my son dec 2012 and I lost all but 3 pounds of the baby weight(20lbs) immediately but as soon as the nexplanon got put in, I gained 20lbs in about 1-2 months. Since then I never gained any more but anytime I lost weight I would gain it all back within a few days. I stayed the same weight no matter if i exercised and dieted or if i ate junk food and sat down all day. Even the doctor told me that it was more than likely the problem. If you think the birth control is the problem and never had such a hard time before more than likely it is.