anjiebaby Member


  • Hi, extremely well done on the weight loss. It all really does depend on the underlying reason why you are not falling so I agree that fertility tests are your next step. I needed IVF for both my pregnancies but it took a few attempts first time (first started treatment when I was your age and I was 36 when my first child…
  • I see, yes that makes sense, Its interesting the fear that is put around pregnancy, I have had so much conflicting advice from professionals that I didnt know what to do for the best. I am now just hitting 17 weeks and feeling so much brighter, could still sleep for England though! Its funny as I have stayed away from…
  • All excellent advice, thank you! feels like I'm returning to the gym after having not been for years!! so today I did a 2km row, 6 x10 bench at 30kg, 3x5 strict press on each arm with the 12kg bell, 12x10 single bell dead lift at 32kg and a bit of bi's and tri's on the cables. All much lower than my normal weights but…
  • Hi, I am now 16 weeks and after the first 3 months feeling pretty low and beginning to eat poorly again I am going to be tracking again for the rest of the term. I lost 40lb after my last pregnancy 3 and a half years ago and became very active and did a lot of strength training and metabolic conditioning. I had quite a…