Logging for a Healthy Pregnancy.

I've used MFP before and lost 25 pounds. I am not logging to lose weight during pregnancy,but to make sure I'm keeping in check. Eating for two means better nutrition,not doubling the meals! I don't diet. I try to choose healthy options,but that doesn't mean I'm going to turn down cheesecake at the office Christmas party. I am early in the first trimester, 8 weeks 2 days,and this will be my first child. Anyone else trying to stay healthy through pregnancy or in preparation for it?


  • 1jenandtonic
    1jenandtonic Posts: 6 Member
    I'm trying to lose 20 pounds before we try for our second! I had gained 10 pounds on top of my usual weight before I got pregnant, gained the right amount during pregnancy, lost it all quickly.. but over the last year have put on an additional 10 pounds. I had a great first pregnancy (walked everywhere, always took the stairs and tried to generally remain pretty active). I really think it contributed to my positive experience, so I want to get in better shape before baby #2!
  • AllyLouB
    AllyLouB Posts: 40 Member
    Hi, Im newly pregnant, 5 weeks tomorrow. This is our 2nd. With my first I stopped monitoring food, and ended up piling on 56lbs. I lost it with very hard work, and am now in really good shape. I'm determined to make healthy food choices this time round and keep up my fitness routine. You sound like me, I eat plenty, but counter that with being very active. My goal is to continue my strength training and retain as much as possible.
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    edited November 2014
    I am 29 weeks now with my first, I don't consistently log my food (because I logged for 2 years so I generally know the calories/servings of what I eat.) but I do log my exercise calories so I have a general idea what my calorie goal for the day should be. (I've been doing maintenance+300 baby calories+exercise calories.) I have yet to gain any weight, I would really like to gain at least 10 lbs but for now I'm happy that my daughter is measuring the correct size each visit so I'm not going to stress if I don't gain any weight.

    It's still nice to keep track of water consumption and to track vitamins to make sure I remember to take them.

    I was going to go back to logging as soon as I start breastfeeding (but keeping my goal at maintenance+200-500 calories until she stops feeding) mostly so I can keep track of what I eat in case something causes colic or an allergic reaction in her.

    Oh yeah, there is a healthy pregnancy group on here if you'd like to join:
  • anjiebaby
    anjiebaby Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I am now 16 weeks and after the first 3 months feeling pretty low and beginning to eat poorly again I am going to be tracking again for the rest of the term.

    I lost 40lb after my last pregnancy 3 and a half years ago and became very active and did a lot of strength training and metabolic conditioning. I had quite a serious bleed at 7 weeks which made me cut down on the exercise but am now reintroducing it gradually back into my routine.

    What calorie targets are you aiming for, am currently 147 lbs and have gained about 7 lbs although initially lost weight probably due to muscle atrophy.

  • 18 weeks here, and I keep logging just to keep track, baby #1, don't want to put too much one, so I keep an on it, and MFP is great for it
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I'm 12 weeks pregnant. This is my first baby, and I'm keeping track of my food intake to make sure I stay within normal weight gain. Still exercising, still being super active, but now much more hungrier lol. Feel free to add me! And congratulations everyone :)
  • Hi. I am 7 weeks pregnant and I am looking for other pregnant friends that are logging so their weight doesn't spin out of control.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Yes, I log everyday. There's definitely days I go over my goals, but it pretty much evens out. I'm currently 33 weeks with my second child. At my last weigh-in (32 weeks, and before Thanksgiving :P) I was up 16.6 lbs. Tracking has definitely helped me from gaining too much weight.

    Also, I recommend you join the pregnancy group!
  • NerdyWord33
    NerdyWord33 Posts: 52 Member
    Wow, I didn't expect so many responses!