karasu39 Member


  • Thank you so very much!!! I truly appreciate it!!!! ❤️
  • Hello!!! I am on a similar journey and am looking for friends to share it with! I gave up meat products 6 months ago and try to limit dairy to a few times a week until I can cut it out completely!
    in Vegan Comment by karasu39 January 2018
  • Hello!! I’m not very creative when it comes to cooking! I’ve been relying far to much on protein shakes and am now getting into bad practice of processed foods. I do try to seek out new receipes and I’ve joined a few Facebook groups for that as well but if I could find some friends here with the similar diets I feel that…
  • Hello there!! I've been on this site for over a year. I've had some success with my weight loss and fitness goals, but what I am missing most is belonging to a group and feeling that sense of community and helping each other along. Please feel free to reach out to me or add me as a friend!! Thanks so much, looking forward…