cottrellcottrell Member


  • Love these!
  • Thanks, all. Super helpful advice. I get freaked out when I hear things about your metabolism dropping dramatically the day after a drink, but it's great to hear that you just stuck to your calories and were able to lose the weight. I certainly don't drink all the time (I'm known around the restaurant as one of the minimal…
  • Congrats!!!! Good for you! Totally hear you on shopping; while I'm not looking for a traditional wedding dress, I still don't want to shop until I feel a little better about where I am.
  • Congrats to you as well!!! :blush:
  • My fiancé also wants to get more in shape, but we have completely different ideas of how to do it! He is all about working out more, and since I work so much and am on my feet all the time, I would rather start with the food and worry about the exercising later. I'm hoping we can take the best from each of our plans and…
  • I'm getting married in March as well! I've been with my partner all through grad school, where I gained about 20-25 pounds over the two year program. I do have some weight I want to lose, just to get back to my pre-grad self, but working 60+ hours a week and in the food industry makes it tough to lose the weight. I'd…
  • I am super discouraged in this area. My partner and I are both major food lovers (to the point where we track chefs, restaurants, food trends, etc) and he worked in kitchens for a while. Since I am in grad school, he cooks more than I do, and I struggle with how to limit myself when I am getting home late at night, hungry…