Barrelquest Member


  • let me add, Military press, curls. to that list. Also be careful, how much muscle you add. later when you look like Arnold you may realize you would rather not be so muscle bound because your ability to do sports, and flexibilty will suffer. :)
  • Pullups, Dips, Bench press,(push ups)- All of that! 3-4 sets to failure. (you don't need to join a gym for this) Everyday to every other day or a soreness subsides. This is not rocket science and you dont need a program, Just do a ton of those movements hard and to failure and EAT .....A lot- Breads, pasta, eggs, milk just…
  • Also, stopping or slowing and changing up your pace is a "Garunteeed" way to start up a cramp. One thing I have learned is never stop :)
  • Its hard to drink went your huffing and puffing. Plus stopping slowing for water messes up your pace and everything. I would just keep cruising on pass until maybe at one of the later water stations if its hot. Otherwise, just skip it all ,...your done in 2 hours anyway.
  • Trying to get rid of the last of the spare tire. Dropping carbs back and making sure to keep protein at 1 gram per pound of body weight to not lose muscle. Pretty much living on whey protein shakes with a tad of skim milk and baked chicken breasts. (some brown rice and steel cut oatmeal) Loooooooooooooong cardio sessions…
  • Heavier lifting. 6-8 Reps to failure, 4 to 5 sets. With ample protein you muscles will grow. The long cardio sessions will eat your muscle gains. - Keep them less than 20 mins.
  • Hi everyone, semi experienced cyclist here. Enough that I am entering my first "real" road race at the end of February. I will be racing in a category 4/5. For those that are curious the "cats" go from novice 5 and progress to,4,3,2, and to cat 1;s which are basically semi pro strength riders. Anyway a fundamental cycling…