I either workout barefoot or in my Vibram Bikilas. I have a pair of older Nikes I picked up at a yard sale that I run in but I also run in the Bikilas.
I'm joining! Just getting back into consistent running so I'm going to do 40 miles.
Hey everyone. I'm looking for more friends too. I'm 25 years old, married, we have two girls ages 9 months and 2 years. I started running last summer and I've been actively trying to get fit while juggling being a mother and wife. Anyone can add me :)
I'm breastfeeding and I try and eat at least 1800 calories per day. It seems like your body holds onto fat while your are nursing to ensure there is enough for making milk. I wouldn't worry about losing weight right now. I would just focus on getting enough nutritious foods. Many women find that when they wean the weight…
I am quite passionate about eating organic and non-Gmo food as much as I can. Another good documentary is Forks Over Knives. I grew up eating lots of processed garbage and I'm thankful that I was able to see over the years how destructive that lifestyle can be. My husband and I are looking forward to growing our own food.…
Jenjay, running is hard in the beginning but after awhile it does become enjoyable. It was hard on my knees for awhile too, but once I figured out how to tweak my form any pain went away.
Kommodevaran, the only reasons I've cut dairy and limited gluten is because I have acne and those things seem to aggravate it. Normally I'm not the kind of person to totally cut out a whole food group but I'm tired of dealing with acne.