noychoy Member


  • I am currently at 216 my heaviest in 2010 was 350. I got down to 165 and then had two babies. I am trying to get back down to at least 165 again.
  • I went to the doctor because I was having issues. I had weighed 225 at the end of my pregnancy. After my pregnancy I was 215, and then I went up to 218. I was seeing a dietitian before I moved. I followed her diet and my weight kept fluctuating. I would get to 212 and then all of a sudden 225 again. My doctor ran tests and…
  • I opened it. I just restarted doing my diary. I am a bariatric patient. I am 4 years out so I do not lose weight fast, but I still eat small amounts. So I do not eat much in the first place. This is also Why I limit my carbs. I do eat them, but I avoid rice, I eat beans , sweet potatoes, quinoa occasionally. Sometimes I…
  • Yes, but now its not wanting to do anything at all. I know I was excited when I first had results, and now I am seeing nothing for almost 3 weeks
  • I went from 350 to 165, and got pregnant. I lost 40 lbs on my first pregnancy and now with my 2nd done my weight is not wanting to budge. Its so slow even with diet and exercise. Drives me crazy.