i lost so much weight before and struggling now

amberstevens7906 Posts: 55 Member
edited December 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
I need help. I went from 270 to 144 with only one maybe two cheat days between that. I was so consistsnt and never even ate a cheat snack. I got pregnant then and gained alot of weight. I went up to 232 by the end of my pregnancy and now im down to 200 and cant stay on track. It is driving me nuts. Il diet good a few days then binge the next and dont know what to do stop the binge days. Iv been so stressed lately because of some family issues so i think thats a great effect on why i cant be on track.does anyone have any suggestions as to fight binging.


  • noychoy
    noychoy Posts: 6 Member
    I went from 350 to 165, and got pregnant. I lost 40 lbs on my first pregnancy and now with my 2nd done my weight is not wanting to budge. Its so slow even with diet and exercise. Drives me crazy.
  • amberstevens7906
    amberstevens7906 Posts: 55 Member
    Yea its so hard. I lost weight so easily the first time.great job losing that much though
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Some tips you may find helpful:

    1. Make sure your deficit isn't too large. I find if I don't eat my recommended calories I tend to get hungry the days after which leads to cheats and binging.
    2. When you feel yourself going off track, stop and do 10 jumping jacks, burppees and pushups. Get active.
    3. Don't be so hard on yourself - if you make a mistake just correct it and move on. I have found that when I start obsessing over my mistakes I just keep spiraling downward.
    4. Be patient....it takes time and effort. Look for non-scale victories like a 5k time, smaller clothing, etc.

    Best of luck!