cstolka Member


  • I often get the protein shake and every know and then the grocery store has a pretty good BOGO sale and I'll stock up. Mainly only use them as breakfast drinks. I had also wondered if they are truly all natural and through some investigating I found that they are legit to their organic/all natural labels. The only one I…
  • She said " let's make woopie" and I thought she said " let's make wookie" and I spent the whole night screaming like Chewbacca
  • Going to the grocery and getting the cart with the jacked up wheel that flops about pulling the cart in an awkward direction. That and eating all the stovetop and noticing that one serving is the size of a grape.
  • I quit sodas and my beloved sweet tea almost cold turkey but after about a month of just water I started craving flavor so I started using the MIO water enhancer and ended up finding they had sweet tea flavor. So I end up drinking more water now. If your original question was in reference to adult beverages then I'll sit…
    in Wine !! Comment by cstolka May 2015