foodhasfeelingstoo Member


  • Or perhaps working out five days a week is too much?! Depends on how exactly your workout makes you feel. If it's exhausting I wouldn't be surprised that you're tired all the time. Happened to me recently. Got a bit too excited over running every day.
  • I think pregnant women should not eat everything they crave and gain so much weight. It's a dangerous believe that might affect eating habits of the baby and might even contribute to obesity. I think being pregnant in later stages you can eat 300kcal more than usual and shouldn't gain more than 20lbs including the baby in…
  • I've seen people lose a lot of weight, believe me, it's almost always drugs, especially speed/amphetamines. I'm definitely anti-drugs, so that shattered my illusions quite a bit. Here are some things that contain appetite though: stay away from sugar and sweeteners at all cost!!!!!, cinnamon, caffeine, protein such as…
  • Absolutely not! Obese people as well as others with serious health conditions (such as old people) should not carry an extra burden. Instead of blaming obese people for their condition which is a tricky combination of physical and mental issues - more should be invested into prevention, research, and treatment. The world…
  • Did anyone ever tell you that especially when weight lifting the number on the scale is meaningless? Muscle is way heavier than fat while lower in volume. Track that progress with a measuring tape (neck, waist, arms, chest, his, legs) or better yet, write down your lifting progress. Can't believe you still even own a scale…
  • Well, sure, you could go full on psycho and measure every drop of vegetable stock you eat. Or you could just relax. If your diet and exercise bother you so much after two months already, maybe just actually eat what you like. Not sugar though, that's just an addictive substance. And if that's not enough, talk to you doctor…
  • I'm extremely bothered by those red numbers that appear when you go over. I'm the type of person that always saves some for later and is always early for appointments. I admire your mindsets though :D
  • Skip the scale. What does the number matter anyway? Eat and exercise to a level that feels good and relax! That's the real lesson to be learned here. Getting fit means to stress your body slightly during exercise and relax other times. The anxiety will just elevate your cortisol levels which makes your body hold on to…
  • I like to focus on the fact that I'm doing something good for my body. Reminding me that I achieved my calorie/exercise goal for the day and trusting the process. After all, healthy body, healthy mind, right?
  • That really sounds like weight is not the best measure for you. Did you ever get your body fat checked properly?
  • I've lost a lot of weight by intermittent fasting once. By the end of it I would only eat every second day or only once a day. I hit the gym almost every day. My family thought I was very skinny comparatively but I didn't see it at all. To me I looked nearly the same as ever. I stopped because I had to move and it became…
  • I'm working on positive thoughts and positive routines. I set goals that are easy to achieve like a small calorie cut and a light exercise routine while practicing to compliment myself on achieving them without overdoing anything. I tend to work out too much, eat too little, get even more depressed and eventually give it…
  • I know that feeling. Just recently came back myself. Sugar is my worst enemy