

  • Thanks guys, I'll definitely check them out :)
  • I get them sometimes, but it's normally if I'm dehydrated or my electrolytes are off. Taking Aleve and stretching out my calves helps me a lot.
  • I didn't do the full Slim Fast diet, but I replaced my daily breakfast with a Slim Fast shake a few years ago and went on a low calorie (around 1100-1300 a day) diet while exercising. Honestly, it did nothing for me. I wasn't losing weight, and I just felt really pudgy still. What really helped me slim down was upping my…
  • The amount of protein you need really depends on your goals. Personally, I'm pretty active and trying to build muscle, so I shoot for 80-100g protein a day (5'4 female). Also, take the macro goals that MFP gives you with a grain of salt. I found that when I first joined, MFP was telling me to eat way too little, so my…
  • You could make a batch of healthy muffins and freeze them, then microwave them at work and have some fruit on the side :) Oatmeal is also a really good option, just throw your oats and all your toppings (dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds, and raw sugar is my favorite combo) in a tupperware container, then add hot water when…
  • I try to just eat intuitively and eat mostly healthy things, but I like to eat some junk food every day so I don't get intense cravings. I generally don't log my food unless I feel like I'm eating too little. I also try to exercise at least 4 times a week :)
  • I like to throw together trail mix and stick it in my bag :) I'll add pretzels, semi sweet chocolate chips, dried cranberries, and pumpkin seeds. I also love Clif bars on occasion, especially if I can microwave them.
  • I like Quest bars for the occasional treat :) They're a little under $3 in VA, which is still pretty pricy to me. I prefer to just get protein from whole foods. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is my favorite!
  • Enchiladas made with beans and red sauce (could even whip up an easy vegan cheese sauce recipe), vegan chili, soups, and breakfast for dinner are my staples :) I highly recommend any of Chloe Coscarelli's books! I have her Chloe's Kitchen book, and I've made a ton of recipes out of there, and they're all really easy,…