euzgai Member


  • No I haven't heard of it but I would like to know more about it.
  • What do you think about this exercice three times a week for example? I know that doing the same routine would be boring but I'm just asking to have your opinions about this kind of workout. Is the duration sufficient? Do I need to do additionnal exercices to train other parts of my body Do you think those are good…
  • Thank you all for your answers. I'll try to get up early and have longer sessions to do whole body training.
  • I hope this woman you know will make it! It is so nice of you to want to donate. I assume with a single post that you are a good person and because of that, I really want you to succeed. Good luck!
  • Thank you for your advices. I used to think that HIIT workouts were for total body. Why not. But in that case how often should I train? Should I do total body 3 times a week with a rest day between each? Or should I keep my program but with longer sessions ? But I'm afraid that I don't stress my muscles enough in 10…
  • It begins to be a lot! :D My 1600 calories are distributed as 55% carbs, 15% proteins and 30% fat. Increasing my daily goal to 1900 and with the protein amount you recommend means that at least 35% go to proteins. Where do I cut then? Thank you for your message! I'm excited to see the results too :) Since when did you…
  • Haha I love the analogy. Thank you all for your advices! It really helps! And I guess I'm convinced that I should begin as soon as possible the strength training. I'm easily influenced :D But I'll begin at home. For now, I just can't go to the gym. I weigh 150 lbs and I'm 5'7". I calculated my BMR as being around 1500…
  • So, shouldn't I first focus on losing fat and only after, build muscle? I understand that I will still see the benefits, even with a calorie deficit diet, but does it make sense to begin now?
  • Thanks again for the food ideas. I'll definitely increase my daily protein. And thanks also for the "plyometrics" tip, it seems adapted. Just a question. I thought that to build muscle you should eat extra calories. Isn't muscle building incompatible with my calorie-deficit diet to lose fat?
  • And I will definitely choose the one on the left also ;)
  • @Robbnva, as an example here is my last week's graphic : . I didn't log my dinner on the 23rd so don't worry, I'm not eating that little :) And for the 22nd I had dinner with friends so I ate more than an usual day. I had 700 hundred extra calories that day. @McCloud33, regarding the pictures, I precise that I'm a woman.…
  • @AllanMisner, Indeed, it's not that difficult :) I just need to get use to it again. I didn't know that we needed that much proteins per day. I thought that meat once or twice per week was sufficient. What is a little bit more difficult for me is to go to a gym for this 5x5 program. I just need to be a little bit more…
  • @hill8570, I understand the benefits of strength exercises but I guess I should do it several times a week to be efficient. I'm afraid that it will be too much with the activities I'm already practicing. But I'll look more into these programs you suggest. Thanks for your recommendations. It helps. I lost the habit to eat…
  • @AllanMisner, thank you. It is clearer for me now. I'll begin by eating more proteins then :)
  • @AllanMisner, thank you for your answer. I know that I should begin with the food. I will try be more careful about that. If I do that, do I still need to do the body weight lifting session? Is it just to have a nicer body or is it essential when you want to lose weight "correctly" ? @47Jacqueline, sorry for the mistake,…