Kristi4Fitness Member


  • I'd love to join this challenge! I walk a lot at work, but need to incorporate walking at home as well to reach my weight loss goals. My goal for November is to walk 100 miles.
  • Started early, 12/27, lost 10 lbs as of today. Had two free meals along the way, but jumped right back on the wagon. Not really exercising much, did recumbent bike 3 days, but just too busy for a lot of exercise right now. Was only able to stay on phase 1 for 1 week - vegetarian and just not enough variety. Don't really…
  • Got an early start and lost 4 lbs so far. Stepping into phase 2 a bit early. Vegetarian and phase one is zapping me of energy. Phase two gives me options, energy and a better chance at sticking with it! :)
  • Getting started a bit early. Day 2 lost 3 lbs. Day 3 today and had major sugar cravings. Had several pieces of sugar free gum - this worked! Looking forward to being part of this group! :smiley: