Tanjarine7 Member


  • This challenge is too restrictive and unrealistic. I keep on failing after ten days because I'm too restrictive - I must eat this much protein, I can't eat too many carbs, I can't, I can't, I can't. I just end up eating stuff that doesn't satisfy me until it all gets too much and I just binge. I never used to have this…
  • This should be a lot easier over the summer holidays as I can nap and I shouldn't be as stressed. But I'm a new teacher so really I may be rather stressed planning lessons and trying to get myself ready :/
  • Day 6. Again. Almost binged on some homemade bread, but went to the gym instead.
  • Why does this always seem to get so hard after day 10? This is just so ridiculous. I've gone 60 days before. I've probably gone longer before. But I just can't seem to break this habit right now :(
  • Day 10 complete. Not eating as few calories as before. Having 1500 net.
  • I only ate meat twice this week. Was going to make a curry for the week but I don't feel like eating meat. I normally eat chicken or fish once a day, which is still less than most, but I think I want to change to every other day.
  • DAY 6: Exercise is better again but still harder than it should be. On another note, I discovered chai latte and malt loaf. Yum.
  • As is evident from my absence from this thread, I messed up pretty badly and felt embarrassed so I ran off lol. But I'm back again on day 4 of my third try :( I'm going to join an athletics club. Having that twice a week will give me something to do in the evening and hopefully deter me from bingeing as I wouldn't want it…
  • @R_Queenie So odd that you mention it being hard to make friends in adulthood - I don't remember mentioning my struggle with friendships. But yeah I have really struggled with social anxiety and that has been the main cause of my depression. And my depression exacerbated my binge eating problem. I have been taking St…
  • Feeling very sad and tearful again today. Thanks, that's nice :) great job on your progress. But careful about using exercise to earn more calories to eat - you don't wanna start pushing yourself too hard to burn extra calories or you'll hurt your body.
  • DAY 1: Back to square one. I did go 10 days without having any junk, which is longer than I've gone in a long time, but I want to succeed on my 60 day challenge. I don't want any fail days. I want 60 days straight of no junk and no binges, so I'm trying again.
  • Well, I truly failed and had a fully-fledged binge today - wiping out all of my deficit from the week :/ But one thing I can say is that it was harder on my belly to eat so much - maybe because I still tried to take my time eating instead of eating quickly like I usually do. This will probably get better once I start at my…
  • DAY 12: Feeling really sad today. As a result I've already eaten 1350 calories and have been up (out of bed) for only 3 hours.
  • No cravings tonight so nicely off to bed. Weekends are actually easier than weekdays for me - no surprise as I'm always complaining about how bored and annoyed I get at work.
  • Whenever I'm not in such a good place with my SO I really get the overwhelming urge to overeat. I 'binged' on a pack of gum - satisfied my need to finish a pack of something without too many calories.
  • You're welcome :) A lot of the time when I eat more than I wanted it is also done with no one looking lol.
  • DAY 11: My main goal is not to give in to any junk food - sweets in particular. And, so far, I have achieved that. I hate that sugar has such a hold over me :'(
  • I need to just go to sleep. I can't stop thinking about pizza :s
  • Still haven't eaten any junk. Picked up a pack of biscuits but put them down. Was looking up pizza delivery but abandoned it. I seem to get extra down around my time of the month which makes it harder to stay on track. Tomorrow and Sunday will be good days.
  • Feeling to eat, but it's too early. I'm quite tired so maybe I will have a nap when I get home.
  • DAY 10: Man I savoured my protein porridge this morning. Yum yum. And my 9bar. It does help to take your time as much as possible when eating.
  • Thanks joeykay. I just find it almost impossible to not binge once I have the taste of junk in my mouth. I can't just have one chocolate bar or a few biscuits. So then I just avoid it. I will try, after, to incorporate a whole pack of biscuits into my calories occasionally but it will have to be eaten as slowly as possible…
  • Average calories for the week should be good. Although I'm trying not to think about weight too much, I hope I am less than 72kg at the start of next week... For now, I'm having a fruity tea before bed B)
  • I did P90X Yoga X today. I went so long without doing this dvd because I was so concerned about burning calories - I felt I'd rather spend less than 90 minutes burning more calories than do yoga - but this dvd really is so great. It is great for muscular endurance, balance, flexibility...it just makes you feel good. Much…
  • Looking forward to dinner tonight :) I don't feel hungry and I'm not craving anything...even though I'm sitting around watching a boring tennis match.
  • I weigh 72.4kg today That's great. It feels good to know my thread is helping you. Your post has motivated me too - when I woke up this morning I was thinking of deserting this thread lol.
  • DAY 9: Normally after a binge I will just continue messing up for the week but I need to just get back on track. I still didn't really overeat and at least I didn't have junk - but that doesnt excuse it and I don't want it to happen again. *sigh*
  • *sigh* I ended day 8 with a little binge :( I was going to bed but felt like I wanted to eat something. I told myself that I wasn't hungry so I shouldn't eat, but then another side of me said that it wouldn't be a problem to just have some prunes as I was low on calories anyway. Once I got the taste of food in my mouth I…
  • Gosh this boredom thing and this breath thing combined is just a nightmare! Lol
  • DAY 8: Yum yum protein shake.