
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    diane0512 wrote: »
    I can relate. I sabotaged myself an hour before bed last night. Thanks for making me feel not so alone in this. I could never last on 1200 calories. I like the nighttime tea idea. I'll give it a try next time I crave. It's tough when kids are in bed and nobody would know I ate that piece of chocolate.

    You're welcome :) A lot of the time when I eat more than I wanted it is also done with no one looking lol.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Whenever I'm not in such a good place with my SO I really get the overwhelming urge to overeat. I 'binged' on a pack of gum - satisfied my need to finish a pack of something without too many calories.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    No cravings tonight so nicely off to bed. Weekends are actually easier than weekdays for me - no surprise as I'm always complaining about how bored and annoyed I get at work.
  • ActiveOne5
    ActiveOne5 Posts: 1 Member
    Binging is a daily battle for me, so I have to convince myself that snacking on all that food is something I can let go for awhile, because I want to fit into my clothes and be able to wear a swimming suit without being so embarrassed.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    DAY 12: Feeling really sad today. As a result I've already eaten 1350 calories and have been up (out of bed) for only 3 hours.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    edited June 2015
    Well, I truly failed and had a fully-fledged binge today - wiping out all of my deficit from the week :/ But one thing I can say is that it was harder on my belly to eat so much - maybe because I still tried to take my time eating instead of eating quickly like I usually do.

    This will probably get better once I start at my new school - I hate where I'm at...I also hate my lack of social life. That's why I was so upset today - thinking about how much I hate myself for having zero social life. I hope I can make some friends at my new school...

    I'm restarting my challenge tomorrow *sigh*
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    edited June 2015
    DAY 1: Back to square one. I did go 10 days without having any junk, which is longer than I've gone in a long time, but I want to succeed on my 60 day challenge. I don't want any fail days. I want 60 days straight of no junk and no binges, so I'm trying again.
  • las07s
    las07s Posts: 150 Member
    I'm so proud of you and I'm still here! Don't quit!!! :smiley: Because of you and your challenge (you are very motivational), I lost 3.2 lbs this week. I literally almost lost it for a pint of Ben n' Jerry's ice cream, but I held out. This is one of the craziest challenges, because my body is so madddd at me! I'm still here and still going!

    No Junk Food Challenge (Start 6/1/15) Day 8
    Weight Loss Challenge (Start 6/1/15) Day 8, -3.2 lb
    Daily Exercise Challenge (Start 6/5/15) Day 4, 2520 Cal's burned
  • las07s
    las07s Posts: 150 Member
    diane0512 wrote: »
    I can relate. I sabotaged myself an hour before bed last night. Thanks for making me feel not so alone in this. I could never last on 1200 calories. I like the nighttime tea idea. I'll give it a try next time I crave. It's tough when kids are in bed and nobody would know I ate that piece of chocolate.

    I relate to all of what you said.

    I am also on a 1200 Cal diet, and I absolutely have to work out so that I can eat more. I always aim to get my net Calories to be about 1200-1400. And I struggle in the same way with sneaking food. I struggle with that mindset a lot of the time. You know, "Nobody will know"... What I realized was that people will know, they do know and most importantly, I know. I may be able to down a pint of ice cream or sneak a Snickers bar without anyone seeing me, but I can't hide my weight, myfitness level, bloated body... It was a very stark moment for me when I first put those two things together. What I eat in secret is displayed on my body in public. I struggle with this a lot, but it does keep my previous bingeing habit to a minimum. @Tanjarine7 , their challenge is helping me kick the rest of it out of my life.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    edited June 2015
    Feeling very sad and tearful again today.
    las07s wrote: »
    I'm so proud of you and I'm still here! Don't quit!!! :smiley: Because of you and your challenge (you are very motivational), I lost 3.2 lbs this week. I literally almost lost it for a pint of Ben n' Jerry's ice cream, but I held out. This is one of the craziest challenges, because my body is so madddd at me! I'm still here and still going!

    No Junk Food Challenge (Start 6/1/15) Day 8
    Weight Loss Challenge (Start 6/1/15) Day 8, -3.2 lb
    Daily Exercise Challenge (Start 6/5/15) Day 4, 2520 Cal's burned

    Thanks, that's nice :) great job on your progress. But careful about using exercise to earn more calories to eat - you don't wanna start pushing yourself too hard to burn extra calories or you'll hurt your body.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    So I had a shake this weekend. I'm not feeling too bad about it though. I took the kids to Sonic after a 5 mile mountain hike. They each had a full meal with a bad shake (something with candy bars mixed into it). I had a basic shake (medium chocolate) with a blt and no fries. I was still within my calories for the day :)

    My time of the month is a few days away. My daughter's hit Sunday. I'm usually a few days behind her (she's 16). She likes baked goods when she's on hers, fudge, cookies, brownies. I love to bake so it's my weakness as well. She was telling to pick up some baking supplies while we were out shopping but I told her nope, not this month. I told her I'll make something healthy. Maybe some crepes and fruit. She loves them and she can dust hers with powdered sugar.

    We did get a few boxes of tea and are both drinking tea before bed. It really seems to help abate the cravings.
  • las07s
    las07s Posts: 150 Member
    Tanjarine7 wrote: »
    Feeling very sad and tearful again today.
    las07s wrote: »
    I'm so proud of you and I'm still here! Don't quit!!! :smiley: Because of you and your challenge (you are very motivational), I lost 3.2 lbs this week. I literally almost lost it for a pint of Ben n' Jerry's ice cream, but I held out. This is one of the craziest challenges, because my body is so madddd at me! I'm still here and still going!

    No Junk Food Challenge (Start 6/1/15) Day 8
    Weight Loss Challenge (Start 6/1/15) Day 8, -3.2 lb
    Daily Exercise Challenge (Start 6/5/15) Day 4, 2520 Cal's burned

    Thanks, that's nice :) great job on your progress. But careful about using exercise to earn more calories to eat - you don't wanna start pushing yourself too hard to burn extra calories or you'll hurt your body.

    No worries about that, most days I hit the office gym at lunch for short workouts that don't get me too sweaty. That usually means a 13 min walk there and a 15 min walk back (uphill), and a half hour to do 15-20 min of cardio and 10 min of either stretching or weights. It usually rounds out to about 300 Calories. On Saturday and Sunday (if I don't have yard work to do), I spend 90 minutes at the gym for 60 min cardio and 30 min weights/yoga (~600-700 Cals total). It's a very comfortable routine. I could push myself harder, but this works for me for now.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Still sticking to it. I did have one piece of peppermint hard candy. It was 2pm and I hadn't eaten yet and felt my blood sugar dropping and that's all I could come up with. I figured that would be ok.

    Right now I'm sick as hell so haven't done much of anything. But I did lose 2 pounds last week so feeling good about that. I really just want to go back to bed and sleep it off.
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    This challenge is really inspiring! As I have been reading, I am seriously questioning if I could do a whole week without "junk". So 60 days is more than my brain can comprehend! I know that sugar is not something that my body NEEDS - or it doesn't need it in the forms that I want it in...(think ice cream) but it certainly doesn't feel that way!

    @Tanjarine7 --I completely believe that friendships are SO much harder to develop in adulthood! I understand and know that there are many times that I am wishing for a larger social circle of GOOD supports (not that mean girl playground crap!) Anyway, thanks for doing this and sharing your struggles ---I am watching in awe!

    @aprilyankee-- I like your approach to this challenge!!! You have struck a balance! Keep it up!
  • diane0512
    diane0512 Posts: 184 Member
    @Tanjarine7 - Checking to see how you are doing? Haven't seen you check in for a while so praying for you!
    I bought some decaf rooibos tea (Stash Spice Dragon Red Chai) this past weekend that will be my go-to nighttime drink to help with my evening snack cravings. I also stopped buying kettle popcorn because I had trouble with portion control (2 cups ended up multiplying mindlessly).
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    So I caved and had some ice cream yesterday. But I figured since I was sick with a sore throat and hadn't hit 1000 calories a day for the past 3 days it would be ok. I didn't eat very much. Not sure if it's because I'm sick or because I haven't had any sweets for 2 weeks. Interesting to be sure. Granted, I haven't had an appetite so maybe that's all it is. It was definitely soothing on the throat. Better than the yogurt.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Turns out the sick was a little more sick than I thought. So I have pneumonia as it turns out.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    @R_Queenie So odd that you mention it being hard to make friends in adulthood - I don't remember mentioning my struggle with friendships. But yeah I have really struggled with social anxiety and that has been the main cause of my depression. And my depression exacerbated my binge eating problem.

    I have been taking St John's Wort and it has really improved my mood and has given me a positive enough mindset to start trying to overcome my anxiety with the help of a self-help book.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    edited June 2015
    As is evident from my absence from this thread, I messed up pretty badly and felt embarrassed so I ran off lol. But I'm back again on day 4 of my third try :(

    I'm going to join an athletics club. Having that twice a week will give me something to do in the evening and hopefully deter me from bingeing as I wouldn't want it to affect my performance. I need to lose a bit of weight first though! I'll maybe go in a couple of weeks.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    edited June 2015
    DAY 6: Exercise is better again but still harder than it should be.

    On another note, I discovered chai latte and malt loaf. Yum.