Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
edited May 2015 in Motivation and Support
I am creating this thread for my own personal accountability to not binge eat or eat any junk food for at least 60 days.

Since I tore my Achilles tendon a year ago I have struggled more than ever to not binge eat as I was unable to do any exercise for so long and was basically housebound. As a result I got up to almost 80kg and have been going down and up ever since - the lowest I've been since then is 72.2kg and I am now 75.8kg. I want to be 67kg.

This may not help but I need to try. And maybe this thread might help someone else...if I succeed in my challenge. I've done it before so I know I can do it again - I just need to really really try to stick to it.

I will be be checking in at least every night.


  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    DAY 1: I was really tempted to binge earlier on - my SO doesn't help by constantly having junk around and trying to coax me into having junk food...not long until day 1 is complete.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Just had dinner. I just need to hold out until bedtime now.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    1 Day down, 59 to go.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    DAY 2: l don't care about how many calories I burn through exercise anymore. Caring so much about calories burned made me skip certain exercises and overwork myself so that I could earn extra calories to eat.

    I am not eating back calories burned anymore and am going to estimate calories burned as much lower like I used to. I want to exercise to be fit and strong not to just burn calories. That way exercise can be more enjoyable and also my calories don't fluctuate so much from day to day.

    Before I would estimate an 800 calorie burn on a Saturday and would eat those calories back, then I wouldn't exercise on Sunday and would struggle so much to stay at 1200 calories. So now I'm just eating 1200 calories full stop.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Man, the times I want to binge the most are straight after having a meal. I hate it.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Just sat outside for a bit, watching YouTube, then had some water and some gum and I forgot about the craving. I hate gum but, at least whilst I'm trying to get back on track, I think it helps.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    A lot of the time I don't even want to eat because I'm hungry or even because I'm bored. It's because I hate the bad breath you get from not eating for so long! :/ Such a stupid reason but it makes me feel so self conscious.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Going to bed soon so I think I can safely say: 2 days down, 58 to go. :|
  • daisyherrmann
    daisyherrmann Posts: 1 Member
    Keep up the good work. I struggle at about 8 also. I find a cup of tea helps me.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    edited May 2015
    Thanks daisy :) Herbal tea can help me too but I don't like it without honey, and I don't want the extra carbs and calories that come with honey :(
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    DAY 3: My SO really is making things so hard. Keeps pestering me to eat junk, telling me oh it's the last day of holiday just enjoy it. And then telling me my goals are unrealistic and I'll never reach them or that if I do reach them I won't be able to maintain.

    He's really making me just want to give in and have pizza and start the challenge fresh on Monday. But then I know I'll feel crappy. I've lost 2kg in the past 2 days. I don't want to mess that up.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    This bad breath thing really is so annoying. I had some peanuts but in order to still stay within 1200 calories I had to tale the guacamole off my dinner :/
  • 33little
    33little Posts: 1 Member
    Cheering you on, Tanjarine! 2 kgs...you go girl!
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks 33little :)
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    I am not happy that I am not able to eat as much protein as usual. I normally aim for 110 grams but am now only able to get 90-100...Anyway, I think it's safe to say: 3 days down, 57 to go...
  • hawkswind
    hawkswind Posts: 1 Member
    Keep it up! I'm just starting day 1 Myself. Cheering you on!
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks hawkswind :) Stay strong on your challenge.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    DAY 4: I've lost another 0.6kg - this is weird. I already accounted for water weight and food weight on day 1 as I was really 77.8kg but was 75.8kg before the binge. Now I'm 73.2kg. Oh well, I'm not complaining :#
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Forget to check in. Day 4 done.