

  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    DAY 5: My daily weight loss has come to an end lol. It's weird but I am almost never any lighter on a Sunday.

    I would like to go back to weekly weigh ins but the dailies have become such a habit. I would weigh myself on Monday mornings but because of the usual fluctuations, and the fact that I would eat more on Sunday and not exercise, Mondays would sometimes show minimal weight loss and I would get upset.

    I found Fridays were a good day for weigh-ins so started doing it on Friday, Sunday, and Monday so I could see the fluctuations. Then that just turned to every day as I got more dependent on having weight loss on the scale motivate me. But now when the scale doesn't move I do feel a bit deflated and I don't like it. :/
  • gbklvr
    gbklvr Posts: 84 Member
    I like to weigh in Friday too. I want to be healthy and keep that in mind because tracking, writing what I eat and missing coming in to the site so I loose my streak makes me feel defeated. My husband will offer me junk food and will say one bite won't hurt and I always remind him. They add up! Hang in there!
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    good job. i weigh in on sunday.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks gbklvr and TnTWalter :) My SO always says 'just one bite' as well but I know one bite will just set me off into binge mode :/
    Been very busy today with a million chores to get ready for going back to work so at least that has taken my mind off food. Got a nice dinner of chicken chilli con carne and sweet potato wedges waiting for me later :p
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Day 5 complete.
  • CrystalEverAfter
    CrystalEverAfter Posts: 29 Member
    What a great thread. I am a married woman, so I make the meals here. I have altered things to make them healthier for everyone and so far no complaints :) I have been known to throw out junk food and if asked I will say I 'finished it', just so it isn't around. I can't have it in the house so I get rid of it. Drinking lots of water helps.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thanks crystilea. Lol that's funny. It's good that you can be a good influence on your family. In a way I have helped my SO eat healthier as I don't eat red meat and dairy and stuff, so when I do the weekly shop I don't buy that stuff, but lately my SO has decided he's going to do his own shopping as he feels there is never anything to eat in the house (he doesn't consider nuts and fruit to be food) :/
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    DAY 6: Back to work today. Went to the gym this morning and it was much better than last week. I felt much lighter and stronger. I remember how light on my feet I felt at 67kg - that's why that is my goal weight - I want to be able to run and jump around and do a few dozen pushups and still feel fresh.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Man, being back at work makes this all so much harder as then I am often annoyed and/or bored daily. After work I just want to eat and after dinner even I just want to eat more. *Sigh* I hate this place.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    You know what, I need to do this too. Last night I had chips with homemade dip. That will be my last junk food for the next 60 days, which will be August first for me.

    I've actually done this before. Never 60 days though so this will be a challenge. My advice, stock up on healthy snacks for when the hunger monster strikes. And get rid of any junk food in the house.

    Went to the doctor this morning and I am up 10 pound from my vacation last week. Ugh.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks aprilyankee. You can definitely lose that 10lbs, maybe more, in 60 days.
  • las07s
    las07s Posts: 150 Member
    I'm in!
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    I ate a single prune before bed lol. Day 6 complete.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Tanjarine7 wrote: »
    Thanks aprilyankee. You can definitely lose that 10lbs, maybe more, in 60 days.

    Thanks! I'm definitely going to do my damnedest. So far today, a salad, black coffee and water. Only at 3200 steps so I need to go for a walk.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    DAY 7: The fact that I'm so bored at work really is making this so hard. I've had my only planned snack already so have to go another 6 hours until dinner. I hate this place.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    It feels much better to exercise for strength and fitness gains rather than for burning calories.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Day 7 done :)
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    Sometimes I wonder whether 1200 calories a day is too little...
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Tanjarine7 wrote: »
    Sometimes I wonder whether 1200 calories a day is too little...

    If your struggling you might want to up it to 1500. And remember that's a net number. If you are burning more calories you need to eat more calories.

    Today was a struggle, didn't eat enough and got super hungry, my danger time. I ate a whole pint of strawberries instead of junk so I'm calling it a victory.
  • Tanjarine7
    Tanjarine7 Posts: 60 Member
    If your struggling you might want to up it to 1500. And remember that's a net number. If you are burning more calories you need to eat more calories.

    Today was a struggle, didn't eat enough and got super hungry, my danger time. I ate a whole pint of strawberries instead of junk so I'm calling it a victory.

    Lol I've done the whole punnet of strawberries thing too.

    I'm not really that physically hungry on 1200 it's more the emotional comfort eating trying to come out. On 1200 I can't eat as often during the day so when I'm feeling bored or annoyed I start to get emotionally hungry. I'll just stick it out - it should be good to train my brain not to have food so often.