

  • Excellent, from my scientific analysis of several pictures off the internet it seems like... Track sprinters lots of gym, Puncheurs some gym, GT riders not so much. Enjoy your weights, I'm off for a ride.
  • Rubbish. Some conditionings fine but for endurance racing you have shown three cyclists who put far more faith in one Dr Ferrari than they ever did in Gym work. If you want to be a good cyclist it's been proved time and time again that 20 hours a week on your bike, plenty of fresh blood during the season and a regular…
  • Maybe it would be an idea to decide WHAT type of cyclist you want to be before throwing yourself at any specific exercise regime. Top track sprinters can't ride 10k without needing a lie down and probably spend more time on squat racks than their bikes. Grand tour riders don't usually go near a gym unless it's for a ramp…