Weight training for better cycling



  • paultucker1007
    paultucker1007 Posts: 37 Member
    You've obviously never ridden in the Pyrenees have you? Spend a day climbing like the TDF riders do and tell me again that strength is not a limiting factor.......

    Well, as it happens I have. Strength is not a limiting factor for endurance cycling. I must admit, I'm not quite sure how where I have or have not cycled affects human biology and/or the fundamental laws of the universe - I had no idea I was so powerful. I'm planning to do the Zoncolan in August - do you think this will affect the universal constant of gravitation in any way?

  • hodger16
    hodger16 Posts: 1 Member
    If strength IS a limiting factor then surely it stands to reason that the best cyclists in the TdF would have the biggest legs. Like Froome, Wiggins, Contador, the Schlecks...... Hang on, they're built like twiglets, why aren't Cav and Cancellara and Boonen beating them up the Pyrenees with their greater leg strength?
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Consulting my personal trainer and the Chris Carmichael training book, I came up with a series of weight exercises that strengthen the leg motions of pedaling:

    Seated Leg Press (up angle)
    Rotary Calf Extension
    Leg Extension
    Lying Leg Curls
    Abdominal Crunch Machine
    Butt Blaster
    Tibialis Dorsi Flexion
    Cable Knee Lift

    Squats and deadlifts eliminate the need to do all of those (except perhaps calf raises). They have the added advantage of working your upper body, plus they're more functional for everyday life than machines.

    Then again, since you have a personal trainer and a cycling book, you'll probably go with their advice than some unknown person on a forum.
  • Maybe it would be an idea to decide WHAT type of cyclist you want to be before throwing yourself at any specific exercise regime. Top track sprinters can't ride 10k without needing a lie down and probably spend more time on squat racks than their bikes. Grand tour riders don't usually go near a gym unless it's for a ramp test.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    edited December 2014
    Grand tour riders don't usually go near a gym unless it's for a ramp test.

    Not true.

    Lance here.

    And Lance here.

    That being said, plenty of cycling coaches and cycling training plans include weights - squats, deadlifts, core work, etc... . Certainly during the off-season, and more for maintenance in season. You won't find a Grand Tour rider near a gym as they taper into the event and ride the grueling event.

    Lean and mean for the tours of course...



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Where is the upper body work?
    Where are the squats and deadlifts?

    I see a lot of fluff, but no basic work.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • Grand tour riders don't usually go near a gym unless it's for a ramp test.

    Not true.

    Lance here.

    And Lance here.

    That being said, plenty of cycling coaches and cycling training plans include weights - squats, deadlifts, core work, etc... . Certainly during the off-season, and more for maintenance in season. You won't find a Grand Tour rider near a gym as they taper into the event and ride the grueling event.

    Lean and mean for the tours of course...




    Rubbish. Some conditionings fine but for endurance racing you have shown three cyclists who put far more faith in one Dr Ferrari than they ever did in Gym work. If you want to be a good cyclist it's been proved time and time again that 20 hours a week on your bike, plenty of fresh blood during the season and a regular clen/t3 cycle during the winter will see you through just fine.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    There are studies that show many things, some of which contradict other studies. The evidence is equivocal, but as I understand it the current preponderance of evidence is that:

    1. Strength training almost certainly does not help well-trained endurance cyclists (in fact, the extra weight will likely hinder them on hills)
    2. Strength training may help beginners, but then almost anything helps beginners.
    3. For non-elite cyclists, the best bang for buck in terms of using a limited training time is always riding your bike.
    4. For elite/pro cyclists who've largely maxed out FTP gains, have unlimited training time and will try almost anything for a 0.1% advantage, there may be some benefit to trying things that have yet to be evaluated by science on the off-chance that it it'll give them an edge. 99% of the shite they try will ultimately prove worthless e.g. core strength, low cadence threshold intervals etc etc.
    5. Running is not cycling.

    All of this.

    If you have time in your training regimen to get some weight training in then that is great (and from a general health and injury prevention point of view it is a great thing to do.)

    If you are replacing cycle specific training with weight training because you believe that will get you further then don't.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    can I just say......... GET ON YOUR BIKE AND RIDE!>>>???
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Rubbish. Some conditionings fine but for endurance racing you have shown three cyclists who put far more faith in one Dr Ferrari than they ever did in Gym work. If you want to be a good cyclist it's been proved time and time again that 20 hours a week on your bike, plenty of fresh blood during the season and a regular clen/t3 cycle during the winter will see you through just fine.

    The argument I replied to was raising the question of whether or not grand tour riders use any form of gym work outside of their bike riding. It's nice to bring up the doping issues of a generation or two of pro tour cyclists, but it doesn't diminish the gym work that past, current, and future cyclists perform.

    Yes, they do.

    Year Round Work is being done by many types of cyclists as well.

    The benefits help.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Grand tour riders don't usually go near a gym unless it's for a ramp test.

    Not true.

    Lance here.

    And Lance here.

    That being said, plenty of cycling coaches and cycling training plans include weights - squats, deadlifts, core work, etc... . Certainly during the off-season, and more for maintenance in season. You won't find a Grand Tour rider near a gym as they taper into the event and ride the grueling event.

    Lean and mean for the tours of course...




    Can I just add, that this look is NOT attractive?

    *And yes, I know no one asked but men do it (comment on attractiveness of athletes) to women all the time.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I wonder if the OP is really trying to win the Grand Tour...or if he's just trying to improve his cycling and general fitness a bit...maybe do a couple of competitive but fun rides or something...

    I love how these things get all frackin' stupid...
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I wonder if the OP is really trying to win the Grand Tour...or if he's just trying to improve his cycling and general fitness a bit...maybe do a couple of competitive but fun rides or something...

    I love how these things get all frackin' stupid...

    Correct. The issue always comes up of mixing cycling with weight lifting with all sorts of myths surrounding the mixing of the two. Responding to one of the myths above that certain levels of competitors do not use weights in some form is odd considering so many of them talk about using weights quite openly.

    The best reasoning I have read with regard to weight lifting for cycling has to do with fighting osteoporotic problems which are very common with cyclists. Fighting that makes it all worthwhile - in addition to other benefits.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Can I just add, that this look is NOT attractive?

    *And yes, I know no one asked but men do it (comment on attractiveness of athletes) to women all the time.

    Agreed. Not to worry, there are other professional cyclists who are not the General Classification contenders who carry much more weight and muscle than the light climbers.

    Tom Boonen and Peter Sagan (both of whom do weight training) are physically more attractive than the skinny GC guys in terms of body composition. ;-]

  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Tom Boonen and Peter Sagan (both of whom do weight training) are physically more attractive than the skinny GC guys in terms of body composition.


  • Excellent, from my scientific analysis of several pictures off the internet it seems like... Track sprinters lots of gym, Puncheurs some gym, GT riders not so much. Enjoy your weights, I'm off for a ride.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,370 Member
    I thought I'd throw this out there. Consulting my personal trainer and the Chris Carmichael training book, I came up with a series of weight exercises that strengthen the leg motions of pedaling:
    Are you still cycling?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    I thought I'd throw this out there. Consulting my personal trainer and the Chris Carmichael training book, I came up with a series of weight exercises that strengthen the leg motions of pedaling:
    Are you still cycling?
    Zombie thread. This guy posted it back in 2014. Doubt he's even here anymore.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 40 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,601 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Zombie thread. This guy posted it back in 2014. Doubt he's even here anymore.
    That user was active here yesterday btw.