Arkwoman1990 Member


  • In a small town outside of Jonesboro
  • I disagree with your statement that birth control doesn't make you gain weight, thats a flat out lie because it varies for everyone. I weighed the exact same during my high school years and even after i graduated plus when i was pregnant never really gained a pound plus even ate what i wanted. When i got on the depo my…
  • Everyones bodies are different and react differently. Some gain, some don't and some lose. It has nothing to do with an increase in appetite because when i was on it my appetite stayed the same but i still gained. Why most people say its appetite increase when a person gains weight from the depo is beyond me. Everyone is…
  • My appetite actually didn't all. Everyones bodies are different and react differently to the depo.
  • Hi folks, want to share my story. I've been off the depo shot for about two and half yrs, i was on it for one year and during that year i gained about 20 pounds. Now i always weighed the same throughout my high school years and after i graduated, I wasn't active and ate what i want and didn't gain a pound. Now when i got…
  • @misskittyninja, even the people who ate healthy and exercised still gained weight while on BC so your GP was wrong. Birth control can make you gain weight no matter what. Some people are just lucky though. I weighed 134 all my high school yrs, ate what i wanted and didn't gain a pound after i graduated i got on the Depo…