Birth Control

After I gave birth to my daughter I was the skinniest I've ever been in a size 12 jeans. Then I started depo and I gained my normal weight. Back (size 16)
  And more ( size 22 jeans). I was on depo for a yeah and while it was still in my system my doctor decided to put me on merania, I lost weight with a huge up and down struggle bouncing between 16 and 18 jeans. Now back in a 16 and no longer on ANY birth control I was curious if this would make weight loss easier? Or am I just getting my hopes up. Because the bouncing started after birth control. I'm hoping it ends and I can get to my weight loss goals.


  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    I think that birth control (hormones) can have a small effect on weight, but not to the tune of size 12 to 22. I started orthotricyclen when I was 16 years old, took until I was 24/25, with one year off of BC completely around age 21. I noticed absolutely no correlation between my weight gain/loss and the birth control. I gained weight, yes, but I got older and my life changed and I didn't eat very well. I also managed to lose 40 pounds two times during that time on the pill. During the year I took no birth control, I maintained my weight, even probably gained a little. I had a child almost a year ago and have had the Mirena IUD for 8 months. I have lost 40 pounds in the last 100 days just by eating well and barely exercising.

    So, again, while hormones do effect weight gain/loss to a small extent, I think that most of your weight/gain loss and birth control/lack of birth control is mostly coincidental. Calories in vs calories is still the way to lose weight.

    Good luck!
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I think it varies so much from woman to woman that you will.get a wide range of answers. Some women will say that it absolutely causes weight gain, some will say it does and to stop using it as an excuse.

    Personally, I know that when I made the decision to use hormone free bc, it was so much easier easier me to lose weight. My doctor did tell me that the way each woman reacts is different, and it some women the hormones can cause you not to be able to sense when you are full. Or to have the pms toy cravings all the time. Of course, how we react is on us. But I do believe that the hormones found in most bc do not make it easy for some women.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    The typical response to this is - birth control doesn't make you gain weight, eating too many calories does. Some women find the hormones in their BC to make them have an increased appetite. They eat too much and gain weight. Sometimes it's used as an "excuse" to gain a few pounds. Most people recommend talking to your doctor if you have issues with weight while using BC. There are different kinds of BC and hormone combinations that may effect you differently.

    I've been on BC for over 6 years and have no issues with weight gain/loss. Yes I get cravings around that time of month. But I use some willpower and stick to logging my calories.

    Weight loss isn't easy period. Well it is in theory lol. With or without BC it is a day in and out struggle for most people. Weigh your food and log your calories all the time. And you will see results :)

    Good Luck!
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    BC always made me feel like I was in their first trimester of pregnancy aka, morning sickness. I never found a successful one I could stay on long term, I am so sensitive to hormones. My weight gain in the short times I was on bc, was from overeating to sooth my nauseous tummy. The same way I did all the times I was pregnant. I could go through a loaf of bread in a day. :(
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    Well every woman will react differently to birth control. But like the other poster, I am on Ortho Tri Cyclen and it's had no effect on my weight at all, though I did experience a lot of sugar cravings when I first started taking it. I think if you're mindful of how much you're eating, as you would be if you were not on bc, you will be fine.
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    I just started depo for the first time 3 months ago and I noticed a decline in my appetite for the first 2 weeks. when I was on birth control pills I was eating everything in site but now I am losing a few pounds. very very slowly but ill take it. I think you just have to control the cravings and you will be ok
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    My Mirena was low on horomones when I started dieting, and ran out in September. I was afraid that my weight loss would slow down when I had a new one put in in October, but it hasn't made a difference. Good luck :smile:
  • Arkwoman1990
    Arkwoman1990 Posts: 7 Member
    esjones12 wrote: »
    The typical response to this is - birth control doesn't make you gain weight, eating too many calories does. Some women find the hormones in their BC to make them have an increased appetite. They eat too much and gain weight. Sometimes it's used as an "excuse" to gain a few pounds. Most people recommend talking to your doctor if you have issues with weight while using BC. There are different kinds of BC and hormone combinations that may effect you differently.

    I've been on BC for over 6 years and have no issues with weight gain/loss. Yes I get cravings around that time of month. But I use some willpower and stick to logging my calories.

    Weight loss isn't easy period. Well it is in theory lol. With or without BC it is a day in and out struggle for most people. Weigh your food and log your calories all the time. And you will see results :)

    Good Luck!

    I disagree with your statement that birth control doesn't make you gain weight, thats a flat out lie because it varies for everyone. I weighed the exact same during my high school years and even after i graduated plus when i was pregnant never really gained a pound plus even ate what i wanted. When i got on the depo my appetite stayed the same but i gained weight.