

  • Do the best you can everyday - that's all you can do. There are exercise routine's on Youtube you can follow along to while not having a gym.
  • Adding exercise to eating healthier worked best for me. I find that when I work out I automatically eat much healthier. When I first started losing weight I lost 24 pounds in about 3 to 4 months by eating healthier then plateaued. When I added exercise the weight just fell off. I really couldn't believe it. I did workout…
  • I don't have kids but I've heard of families that grow up without junk food in the house. If they don't like it, oh well - don't have it in the house. Your health is more important and you could be passing your bad habits onto them.
  • I like oatmeal with truvia and sugar free jelly when I want something sweet. High fiber bars when I'm somewhere I can't cook. 100 calorie pack popcorn when I want something salty/crunchy. Non-fat vanilla yogurt when I don't feel like having oatmeal. I should say the main meal I eat is breakfast and after that I only eat…
  • I just restarted going to the gym frequently after being lazy for the past year. The old me would have put it off until after the holidays but no time like the present. I work as a PT in nursing homes so I know what you mean about treats. One of our therapist just started a new hobby of baking every Sunday then bringing…
  • I do make myself eat breakfast before work even when I'm not hungry but I'm most always hunger in the morning. After that I just eat when I'm hungry. Breakfast at 5 am and if I haven't eaten by 1 or 2 pm but not hungry I'll have an apple. Usually that happen when I'm too busy to think about being hungry.
  • I agree. If your clothes seem to fit better you're going in the right direction. You may be drinking more water now and were dehydrated before - causing your weight to go up even though it's just water weight. As long as you know you are doing to right things and your clothes are fitting better don't worry too much about…
  • Planet Fitness offers free classes as part of the membership. You may want to go to those first then see if you need to pay a trainer. I lost over 50 pounds a few years ago and started at Curves. There was only one workout so there was really no wrong way to go. The receptionist would help me be accountable and they would…