deadpoolbarron Member


  • Thanks for the help. I'll pay them a visit, lets just hope it doesn't delay me too much, i'd like to be ripped for my wedding day, preferebly all over my body and not just one side :)
  • I saw a physio before I got started and they said that I was fine to begin the training, I think that it is mainly psychological that I avoid using that side in fear of damaging it again.
  • Whenever we have chicken 2 hours before a workout we are fine but it is a no go for beef. i think that it would be a good idea to save it until after exercise, thank you :)
  • I've definately noticed results each time I have done it (currently on my 3rd attempt as I usually give up during the first recovery week) This time i am paying more attention to the diet side of things, the previous attempts I usually just eat what I always eat, but this time around The difference is more noticable, I…
  • I assumed that I would not be a big fan either but the benefits of it are just too good to pass up. I'm a chef so I know that any food can appeal to personal tastes, you just have to find the right way to prepare it, I tasted the tofu before adding a marinade and it really didn't taste like anything to me which was ideal…
  • I think it may have been silken (I had no idea that there were different kinds :S ) from what I have heard about tofu over the years is that you slice it and press it between paper towels to drain the liquid from it, which I did but it just crumbled, I will deffinately freeze it next time but should I still drain the…
  • Damn, half way through the p90x schedual and we are both sick with an illness our lovely daughter brought home from school. A chesty cough and dizzy spells along with massive fatigue. Going to delay our progress for a week, by my count it should delay us finishing on feb 9th to Feb 16th, the day before the wedding :)