

  • My diet is more primal/paleo. Aiming for a max of 25% net carbs. A bit of carbs helps, but with diabetes, you're better off with resistant starches and high fiber options (sweet potatoes and other tubers vs white potatoes, etc.), veggies, etc. -- this helps curb hunger a bit and is still low-carb enough to control blood…
  • Some good tips here. I get side salad instead of fries, if available, otherwise skip the side altogether. Water or unsweetened tea to drink. At family's, I fill my plate with salad and any veggies first, then put whatever meat they are serving on top or off to the side, depending on what it is. I go easy on any empty…
  • The in-laws are handling most of the dinner this year, and there will certainly be things like rice, bread, and potatoes on the table. I just stick with salad, protein (usually they have chicken and roast beef), sweet potatoes if they have it again (they're plain); otherwise, I put a tiny bit of rice (1/4 cup). Ditto here…
  • I'm not much into the New Year's resolution thing, as any time is a good time to start, but like you, I figured it was a bit foolish to do this during the holidays. I don't plan on mowing down everything in sight, lol... but, I certainly don't want to completely deprive myself during a time of so much temptation.
  • Absolutely. I was planning on doing this anyway.
  • Have heard of the book. Never read it. But, knowing what it's about, I would agree with it. Some say they do fine with wheat -- good for them. Personally, I know that when I eat it, I blow up (bloating and painful gas) within an hour. Not for me.