Flaring nostrils
Let's see some pictures
I am so impressed with the talent that this site has
Now that's what you call impressive. Who can roll the eyes like this?
At least that counts for something, Right?
Let's see some pictures or videos of your talents
We have a lot in common doing eye tricks, What other eye tricks you can do?
Some of the talents are just quite impressive
Can also do this, Roll the eyes down. Who else can do this?
I can roll the eyes in both directions up or down showing whites, rolling one eye back
I can do that as well as doing zombie eyes
I can roll one eye back. This is one of the reasons i earned my name
Hey as long as it's talent. It's all good
My talented eyes
Don't feel bad, I didn't do the same which I should have.
Photo of the eye trick mentioned by KimmyEB
Any eye tricks?
I can do zombie or possessed eyeballs by showing the whites. Freaks out a lot of people at the same time some think it's cool
Zombie or possessed eyeballs that freaks out a lot of people
I can open my eyes really really wide
I'd def like to see a pic or video of that
I know there's other MFPers out there that has at least some tricks