Weird Body Tricks & skills



  • IamAddictedtoCoconuts
    I can turn my hands 360 degrees woo
  • joshua3179
    joshua3179 Posts: 2,882 Member
    Can't say my talent here sorry
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    Another thing I always thought was super easy but a ton of people cannot do it...

    Take your ring finger and your index finger together, middle finger down in the center and wiggle your middle finger while keeping the other 2 together.

    I can do this too, people are fascinated by it!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Spnneil06 wrote: »
    Another thing I always thought was super easy but a ton of people cannot do it...

    Take your ring finger and your index finger together, middle finger down in the center and wiggle your middle finger while keeping the other 2 together.

    I can do this too, people are fascinated by it!

    I just tried this. I can do it too.

    My elbows are hyper extensive.. and when I clack my teeth it's suuuper loud...
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    ilfaith wrote: »
    I can touch my nose with my tongue.
    I can put my whole fist in my mouth

    I can do both, but not at the same time, haha! ;)

  • CloudyMao
    CloudyMao Posts: 258 Member
    I can 'click' my spine & neck really loudly, can also do elbows, shoulders, hands, knees, toes, wrists etc but the neck and spine freak people out the most, I got the nickname 'bubbles' because apparently it sounds like popping bubblewrap.

    I can swallow a tiptop (don't know what people call those outside the uk) in one go, that freaks people out, but I do get brain freeze & it's uncomfy so don't do it often.
  • weirdeyes2k15
    weirdeyes2k15 Posts: 49 Member
    So many amazing talents
  • weirdeyes2k15
    weirdeyes2k15 Posts: 49 Member
    I am so amazed at the talents you all have
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I can turn my hands 360 degrees woo

    I can do that too, but it entails rotating my shoulder as well.

  • weirdeyes2k15
    weirdeyes2k15 Posts: 49 Member
  • EveFlowergirl
    EveFlowergirl Posts: 1,491 Member
    cross my legs and walk on my knees
  • weirdeyes2k15
    weirdeyes2k15 Posts: 49 Member
    Come on, I know that there are others on here that can do something weird with their bodies
  • SophieKean90
    SophieKean90 Posts: 52 Member
    I can put both my legs on opposite shoulders and walk on my hands (REALLY freaks friends out)
  • donnysoule
    donnysoule Posts: 1,185 Member
    I can pee standing up without getting anything on the toilet seat or the floor....
  • SophieKean90
    SophieKean90 Posts: 52 Member
    donnysoule wrote: »
    I can pee standing up without getting anything on the toilet seat or the floor....

    DEFINITELY an acheivement - wish my ex could do that...
  • donnysoule
    donnysoule Posts: 1,185 Member
    donnysoule wrote: »
    I can pee standing up without getting anything on the toilet seat or the floor....

    DEFINITELY an acheivement - wish my ex could do that...

    I do know how to impress the ladies ;)

  • weirdeyes2k15
    weirdeyes2k15 Posts: 49 Member
    Any eye tricks?
  • SwashBlogger
    SwashBlogger Posts: 395 Member
    I can wiggle my ears...a LOT. And the tip of my nose bobs when I speak. It's subtle because my cousin is the only one who ever called me on it and that was when I was twelve!
  • EveFlowergirl
    EveFlowergirl Posts: 1,491 Member
    I can wiggle my ears, too! Let's wiggle, Swash! Show em what we're made of.
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    I can work 2 pairs of nunchuks at the same time, good enough to make most people raise an eyebrow.

    This is only cool if you made them yourself, with your momma's cut off broom handles and an old shoestring.