[/quote] She's a teenager showing indicators of disordered thinking and actions. A message board is not the right venue for help. Saying "enough with the talking to a professional" when that is the one truly logical and potentially helpful course of action is at best enabling unhealthy actions ... at worst encouraging them…
I know what you're going through. I'm having similar issues. I know working out and eating right is the only way, but lately I've been really fighting depression and eating is how I deal with it. I have issues with how I view myself as well. Everyone will say 'you have to love yourself first, but I honestly don't' know how…
Thank you for sharing your success! I look forward to having a success story of my own! Keep it up :)
I'm 5' even and I currently weigh a whopping 182. My goal is to be 140 someday! lol
The Evergreen State! Washington